What Exactly Does a School Counselor Do

My services are available to all students. It's my job to make sure students are happy and doing their best at school. This is a tall order since so many factors go into kids doing well---their ability to focus and pay attention, their relationships with peers and teachers, how well they can manage their feelings and impulses, and their lives outside of school. I am also an adult in the building with whom they are never "in trouble."

Individual Counseling

Individual Counseling sessions are available based on the needs of the individual student.

Small Group Counseling

Small group counseling is available for students. Group topics include:

  •                      Anger Management

  •                      Peer Pressure

  •                      Friendship Skills

  •                      Family Changes

  •                      Social Skills

  •                      Grief

How Can Students or Parents See The Counselor?

  • Students can just ask their teacher if they need to talk with the counselor

  • Teachers can send students to the counselor for a "break"

  • Parents can call and request

  • Please feel free to call if you have any questions or concerns. I have an open door policy.

Other Counseling Services Provided:

  •              Crisis Intervention

  •              Assisting parents with agency referrals

  •              Consultation with Parent & Teachers

"Never Give Up.....Tomorrow Is A New Day!!!"