Hello, parents. If you did not yet complete our survey for title 1, please click the link below. We use this survey for planning for the coming year. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/85T22VD
2 months ago, Columbia Elementary School
Survey invitation
Hello Families, Staff, families, and community members are invited to be a part of Columbia Elementary's Comprehensive Needs Assessment Team. This will be taking place on Tuesday, June 4, 2024 from 8:30 - 10:30 a.m. in Columbia's Media Center. As a team we review data to identify the school’s strengths and challenges in key areas that affect student achievement. This is process is vital to developing our School Improvement Plan. Let us know if you can join us!
2 months ago, Columbia Elementary School
Hello Columbia Parents & Guardians! Please remember that Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are early dismissal days 1:15pm. Friday is the last day of school.
2 months ago, Columbia Elementary School
We had a great time at Turner competing in our first ever E-Sports tournament, on Wednesday May 15th. The tournament featured Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, and two other schools, Turner and West Melbourne School of Science, brought their best. Our students did great! David B. took 2nd place and Brayden B. took home 1st, both students are 6th graders at Columbia. E-Sports, competitive video gaming, has become big business and students can now even earn college scholarships. The goal of our elementary clubs is to encourage students to continue competing in high school, most of our local high schools have very successful programs. Congratulations to all our competitors, you truly embodied the spirit of Columbia Elementary!
2 months ago, Columbia Elementary School
The winners podium