Title I

Title I provides support through resources and research-based training, enabling schools to develop high quality, enriched programs that meet the individual needs of all children, families, and staff.

Title I is a federally funded program designed to improve achievement at schools with a high percentage of    students eligible for free and reduced priced meals. Every student enrolled in our school is eligible for Title I    services. Programs are designed to serve children who need extra help in meeting state standards.      

Our school has coordinated the Title I plan with our School Improvement Plan (SIP). Parents who are elected to serve on the School Advisory Committee (SAC) participate in the development and review of all school plans.  Copies of plans are available upon request from the front office or on the school website.

At Golfview Elementary School our Title I program provides academic interventions and support that impacts  student achievement to include: tiered English Language Arts instruction with Title I staff; research-based computer programs (Lexia Core 5 and Power Up); parent resources; professional development for teachers and school staff; and curriculum nights to support parents with at home learning.