We have been recognized by the FLPBIS Project as a 2021-2022 PBIS Platinum Model School! This is the highest award given. Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) is a school-wide framework that, according to national research, enhances student quality of life and reduces problem behaviors. By establishing this framework, we are developing skills, making changes to the school environment, acknowledging appropriate behavior, and using data to identify supports for our students. As a PBIS Model School, we are committed to the effective implementation of PBIS and are seeking positive and equitable outcomes for all students!

When students are caught following the expectations, they are rewarded with sand dollars that they can spend on a variety of items like going outside at lunch, making a 3D print or getting a bag of popcorn. However, the biggest way students spend their rewards are at the PBIS store. Here they can choose from stickers, snacks, candy, toys and other assorted items. If you would like to help, they easiest way would be to make a donation to the school store. Choose something for our wish list or drop a monetary donation off at the front office. Every little bit helps.