Welcome to Saturn Elementary School
Saturn's Vision
To provide a safe and supportive community where ALL will achieve personal growth.
Saturn's Mission
To empower productive life long learners!

Morning Arrival
Breakfast service begins at 7:30am. Students are not allowed on campus before that time.
Breakfast is served until 8:00am!
Breakfast and Lunch are free for all Saturn students.
If students arrive between 7:30 and 8:00 they should report directly to class or breakfast.
If students arrive after 8:10, a parent is REQUIRED to come into the front office to sign them in. Students will receive a tardy pass for their teacher.
Early Check-out
Students may be checked-out from school by an approved adult until 2:00pm. No check-outs will be processed after 2:00pm due to dismissal procedures.
Afternoon Dismissal
Cars may enter the north car loop.
*Note - cars are not permitted to pick up students in the south bus loop.
2:30 PM
Bike Riders, Car Riders, Bus Riders, Walkers and School Aged Child Care students dismissed.
School busses park in the South Loop.
Day care vans park in the South Loop behind the school busses.
2:35 PM
Busses depart
Regular school attendance is one of the most important factors in a student’s academic success. Please be aware of the Brevard Public Schools attendance policy, which states, “A student who is absent for more than 9 days, or 4 days for schools on a block schedule, within a semester, will not receive a passing grade for the semester.” A student who is absent for 10 days will be turned over to the Truant Officer.
Students must be in class for a minimum of 4 academic hours in order to be counted present for
the day.
Absences due to a Doctor or Court appointment or a religious holiday will not be counted if appropriate
documents are provided.
Please click here for the District attendance policy.
2023-24 Saturn Report Card - DOE
Saturn’s 2023-2024 School Report Card Notification is available to access via the link below. A copy can be found in Saturn’s Title I Parent Engagement Notebook located in the front office. If you would like a copy of Saturn’s School Report Card Notification and or the report translated, please contact the front office at 321-633-3535. The Report card may be found HERE. The link is also located in the section to the right under Useful Links.
Se puede acceder a la Notificación de Boleta de Calificaciones Escolares 2023-2024 de Saturno a través del siguiente enlace. Se puede encontrar una copia en el Cuaderno de Compromiso de Padres Título I de Saturno ubicado en la oficina principal. Si desea una copia de la Notificación de Boleta de Calificaciones de la Escuela de Saturno o el informe traducido, comuníquese con la oficina principal al 321-633-3535. El boletín de calificaciones se puede encontrar AQUÍ. El enlace también se encuentra en la sección a la derecha debajo de Enlaces útiles.