Mrs. Schroeder

Dear Parents,

It is hard to believe that here we are in May and our school year is coming to a close. This year has been filled with fun and accomplishments and it has been such a pleasure getting to know the Ralph Williams Community,

Reflecting on the past year, I am immensely proud o f the unwavering commitment of our staff to create a nurturing and inclusive learning environment for our students. Our students have done their part as well, working hard to make consistent academic and social gains. As we complete our FAST assessments it is amazing the growth our students have made, there definitely is a lot for which to be proud.

Not only have our students shown growth academically, but many have taken the opportunity to shine participating in our clubs and after school activities including Morning Mile, Yearbook, Chorus, Strings and many more. We have enjoyed watching our students demonstrate their talents in performances throughout the year and celebrated their positive character in our Cranes with Character Celebrations. Family events such as Hands on Science Night, Trunk or Treat, Book Bingo and International Night were so much fun and brought us together as a community.

This year also saw improvements to our facility in terms of new flooring throughout the building with our classrooms being completed this summer. Additionally, this summer all classroom bathrooms and bathroom doors will be painted, and we are looking forward to hallways being painted in the fall next school year. Along with the interior refresh, we are hoping to improve the landscaping and are excited to announce a gift from the Viera Company of $3100.00 that will go a long way in helping to refresh our exterior. We will keep you updated on a forthcoming community workday to improve our grounds; we hope you will join us.

To our 6th graders who will be leaving us for middle school, as you prepare to embark on the next chapter of your educational journey, know that you carry with you the knowledge, skills and values instilled within you during your time at Ralph Williams Elementary School. You are capable of achieving great things and we cannot wait to see the incredible contributions you will make to our community.

To our returning students, I encourage you to take the time to read for pleasure this summer. You really can go anywhere in a book, so travel a lot within a story. Parents don’t forget to join us on Thursday evening, May 9th for our Preventing Summer Slide informational evening and our BOGO Bookfair. You will leave with resources and perhaps some books to start your students on their summer reading journey.

To our parents and families, thank you for your amazing partnership and support. We value your involvement in your child’s education and our school community. We are so fortunate to have such active and supportive families and we appreciate your collaboration and the sense of community that is fostered here at Williams.

As we look ahead to the future, I am filled with optimism and excitement for all that lies ahead. Together, we will continue to build upon the foundation of excellence that defines the Williams school community.

Wishing you a summer filled with joy and laughter.

Susie Schroeder, Principal