Please Email Melissa Kirkland
Media Center
“Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.”
Frederick Douglass
Library Mission Statement
Audubon Elementary's library program strives to provide a positive learning environment that promotes reading and technological skills to enhance student communication, literacy, and lifelong learning.
Media Center Hours & School Policies
The Media Center is open during the week from 7:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Although the Media Center hosts 7 classes every day, students are welcome to check out books any time of day with permission from their teachers. Students will visit the Media Center each week based on the classroom activity schedule, where they can check out and return books on a regular basis. Students in Kindergarten begin checking out books after routines have been established. Students in 1st grade through 6th grade begin checking out books on the first day of school after reviewing procedures.
Students in grades K through 6th grade may check out the following number of books:
Kindergarten: 1 book at a time
1st -6th grade: 2 books at a time
Books are due back within two weeks of check out. If more than 2 weeks is needed to finish a book, students can request to renew the book. There are no late fees for overdue books. However, fees will be charged for lost and damaged books. The fee is based on the media center’s cost to replace the book. Payment can be cash or check, payable to Audubon Elementary.
Parents may share personal requests or restrictions for us to document on their child’s computer record. This is an option intended to support parent requests during book checkout.
Media Acquisition Policies
The primary objective of instructional materials and equipment shall be to enrich, support, and implement the educational program of the school. As the center of the educational program, the LMC provides materials and services that meet academic, technical, personal, and social needs of the school community. To this end, the School Board of Brevard County subscribes to the principles laid down in the Library Bill of Rights and affirms that it is the responsibility of the school library media center to support these principles.
Selection Objectives
To make available a wide range of materials on varying levels of difficulty with a diversity of appeal compatible with the different needs, interests, and viewpoints of students and teachers.
To provide materials which strengthen and enrich the school’s instructional program.
To provide materials that will stimulate growth in literary appreciation, aesthetic values, and ethical standards.
To provide materials representative of the many religious, ethnic, cultural, and language group, and of their contribution to the heritage and culture of America and the world.
To place principle above personal opinion and reason above prejudice in the selection of materials appropriate for the users of the school library media center.
New Florida Guidelines call for new texts being purchased for the library to be approved by the School Advisory Council (SAC)
NOTE: The district does not maintain a list of approved books or videos. Rather, the objectives and the criteria for selection should guide the certified library media specialist in collection development.
Collection Development Procedures
Objectives of the Selection Process for Developing the Library Collection:
The responsibility for the selection of instructional materials rests with the certified school library media specialist who completes the annual state training. The selection of media is a continuous and cooperative process involving administrators, staff, students and parents. The primary objective of instructional materials and equipment shall be to enrich, support, and implement the educational program of the school. As the center of the educational program, the LMC provides materials and services that meet academic, technical, personal, and social needs of the school community. To this end, the School Board of Brevard County subscribes to the principles laid down in the Library Bill of Rights and affirms that it is the responsibility of the school library media center to support these principles.
The Procedures for Selection Process for Developing the Library Collection:
To provide materials for age and grade appropriate groups for which the materials are being used and made available.
To provide a wide range of materials on varying levels of difficulty with a diversity of appeal compatible with the different needs, interests, and viewpoints of students and teachers.
To provide materials which strengthen and enrich the school’s instructional program.
To provide materials that will stimulate growth in literary appreciation, aesthetic values, and ethical standards.
To provide materials representative of the many religious, ethnic, cultural, and language groups, and of their contribution to the heritage and culture of America and the world.
To place principle above personal opinion and reason above prejudice in the selection of materials appropriate for the users of the school library media center.
Provide for the regular removal or discontinuance of books based on, at a minimum, physical condition, rate of recent circulation, alignment to state academic standards and relevance to curriculum, out-of-date content, and required removal pursuant to subparagraph (a) 2.
New Book Decision Tree
Stakeholder Input for New Books Decision Tree
The Procedures for Selection Process for Developing the Library Collection
To provide materials for age and grade appropriate groups for which the materials are being used and made available.
To provide a wide range of materials on varying levels of difficulty with a diversity of appeal compatible with the different needs, interests, and viewpoints of students and teachers.
To provide materials which strengthen and enrich the school’s instructional program.
To provide materials that will stimulate growth in literary appreciation, aesthetic values, and ethical standards.
To provide materials representative of the many religious, ethnic, cultural, and language groups, and of their contribution to the heritage and culture of America and the world.
To place principle above personal opinion and reason above prejudice in the selection of materials appropriate for the users of the school library media center.
Provide for the regular removal or discontinuance of books based on, at a minimum, physical condition, rate of recent circulation, alignment to state academic standards and relevance to curriculum, out-of-date content, and required removal pursuant to subparagraph (a) 2.
New Book Decision Tree
Stakeholder Input for New Books Decision Tree