RaiseRight Fundraiser
Hello VMS Families!
Please join Viera Middle School’s PTO RaiseRight program. Flyers went home on Friday, November15th! If you need an extra, ask your advisory teacher or pick one up in the front office.
You can buy gift cards to use as payment for everyday expenses and shop online through RaiseRight. Every gift card purchase and online purchase earns up to 20% back (paid by the retailer you purchase from)—and it adds up fast! Each family can easily raise $1,000 or more for the school every year.
Purchases can be made via:
Filling out the form that is coming home, attaching a check, and sending into school with your student during School Bulk Order Weeks
Purchasing online at www.RaiseRight.com/shop (anytime)
Electronic Gift Cards (E-gift cards)
Immediate electronic delivery
Physical Gift Card - Ship to home
Shipped within 2 business days
Enrollment code is on the flyers or contact VMS PTO
** Be sure to include student/teacher’s name for credit **
Plus, with a mobile app available and instant access to your eGift card and reload purchases, you can buy gift cards and shop online through RaiseRight anytime, anywhere.
We would greatly appreciate any purchase you can make.
If you have any questions, please contact us at VieraMiddleSchoolPTO@gmail.com . On behalf of the students, parents, and faculty of Viera Middle School, thank you for your consideration