CTE - Technology Design
This track provides an overview of design thinking and offers students access to the software and materials to create protypes and solve technological problems. Students will participate in digital tools assessments, and those who choose to specialize in this area can earn industry certifications.
This course is a study of the "designed world." Students engage in hands-on activities and use the engineering design process and computer engineering software to fabricate prototypes and projects to solve practical problems and gain an understanding of the effects of technology on our everyday lives. The course content includes technological products and systems, energy and power, manufacturing, communication, construction, and medical and biotechnologies. Students will use the engineering design process and computer engineering software including Whitebox learning to gain information in math and science and build simulations.
This course is a study of aviation and aerospace principles and practices. Students engage in hands-on activities and use the engineering design process and computer engineering software to fabricate prototypes and projects to solve practical problems. The course content includes aerostatics and aerodynamics, rocket propulsion systems, satellite systems, and subsystems of aerospace vehicles (such as structural, propulsion, suspension, guidance, control, and support).
This course gives students an opportunity to explore the area of robotics technology and its associated careers through several authentic design challenges. Students engage in hands-on activities in designing and fabricating a variety of robot types. Course content includes robotics systems, sensors, effectors. grippers, actuators, and controllers. There is a primary focus on the construction and programming of autonomous mobile robots.