Beach Athletics
Welcome to MINUTEMEN Athletics!
Coach Ted Kimmey - Athletic Director
Coach Brooke Davis - Middle School Athletic Director
2024-25 Cocoa Beach Athletics Handbook
**Please use our Coach Contact List to find out information on practice-game schedules & locations, try outs and pertinent team information!
Cocoa Beach Jr/Sr High School Athletics
Mission Statement
The mission of the Cocoa Beach High School Athletic Department is to graduate student-athletes with the tools to be successful in college, careers, and life by providing quality athletic programs and experiences to complement a rigorous academic program. By competing at a high level of interscholastic competition in the Cape Coast Conference and FHSAA, student-athletes will learn the values of sportsmanship, integrity, pride, and sacrifice.
Here at Cocoa Beach High School, we see athletics as an extension of the classroom. When students participate in athletics, they learn to develop sportsmanship, motivation, self-discipline, loyalty, self-confidence, leadership, and a positive attitude; all of which translate to educational and life success. In representing our school, our student-athletes come to understand the importance of being a good role model and citizen by holding themselves to a high standard in academics and behavior. We believe that a quality athletic program based on character, courage, and integrity will result in high levels of community and school pride as evidenced by increased levels of participation, fan attendance, and community support.
Athletic Department Goals
Encourage student-athletes to do their personal best at everything they do.
Reward academic success.
Recognize the athletic and academic achievements of student-athletes.
Hire and retain a coaching staff of high moral character to serve as role models for student-athletes.
Educate student-athletes, parents, and fans on the values of good sportsmanship, school pride, and good citizenship.
Promote the teaching of positive life skills such as motivation, self-discipline, loyalty, self-confidence, and positive attitude.
Provide student-athletes with opportunities to develop and enhance leadership skills.
At Cocoa Beach, the welfare of the student-athlete is at the center of everything we do in the Athletic Department. Coaches will plan practices and facilitate contests in a way that will teach positive life skills. We will reach out to the parents and community to educate them on our mission, philosophy and goals. Academic and athletic successes will be celebrated.
I want to participate...but what do I need?
All participants will need the following CLEARED through Athletic Clearance PRIOR to participating in any sport!
**There is information on local places to get your Physical and/or ECG on the main page below!
1. PHYSICAL (FHSAA EL2 Form) - Page 4 MUST BE signed, dated and checked "Medically Eligble." The top of Page 4 must be filled out completely. Physicals are good for 365 days.
2. BPS ECG FORM - MUST HAVE A FORM DATED AFTER 6/1 FOR EVERY SCHOOL YEAR! It is up to the parent to determine if they want an ECG every year. There are three options for each year with this form:
- If choosing to get an ECG, fill out the top of the form, check the "The following represents the findings" box, sign the bottom and have the Doctor fill out the middle box with the results.
- If there is one on file and you do not want another one just mark the "ON FILE" and "DECLINE" box - attach your previous results.
- If you want to opt out - mark the "DECLINE" box. The top of the form MUST BE fully filled out and parents MUST sign at the bottom.
3. A copy of your health insurance must be uploaded and typed into the profile as well. **Every participant must have health insurance. If you need insurance please visit this link.
4. A copy of your auto insurance and the travel waiver must be uploaded as well.
5. The entire profile on Athletic Clearance must be completed including all signatures on the EL3 and assigned forms/waivers.
6. At least a 2.0 GPA, and any other relevant paperwork based on your eligibility.
Athletic Clearance Instructions
CBHS Athletics has upgraded our system for clearing athletes for participation. All eligibility clearances for participation in sports will now be done online through AthleticClearance.com. Click on the link above for directions on the process of registering your athlete for sports at CBHS.