Purple Star

Cape View Elementary School Purple Star of Distinction Point of Contact
Debbie Alderman
Transition Planning for Military Families
Cape View staff welcomes the opportunity to work with our Military Families. Our Office Clerk, Kellie Behl, will support transferring records, immunization, and age requirements, calendars, and schedules.
Cape View offers free and confidential non-medical counseling to Active-duty service members and their families, including the children of Cape View Elementary School. Some goals of this counseling service can include the following: Managing stress, increasing self-esteem, strengthening relationships, providing resources, and increasing resiliency; We also help service members and their families address the day-to-day stressors of military life and the impact of deployment and reintegration.
Cape View Elementary Military Point of Contact: Debbie Alderman, Guidance Counselor. Our staff includes William Lester, a Social Worker to support counseling services. The contact information is…(321)784-0284.
Rest assured, Cape View School staff are working together to provide support to our military students and families throughout our community. No matter where you are transferring from, we will be there to assist you in making a positive school transition.
Patrick SFB School Liaison contact information:
Susan Clark, School Liaison Program Manager
On Facebook @ PatrickCYES.SLO
https://www.gopatrickfl.com/youth-programs.htmlhttps://www.militaryonesource.mil/ (a free 24/7 resource for military families of all branches of service providing a variety of assistance, resources, and tools)
www.militarychildcare.com (Resource and information on available Before/After School military childcare)
https://sesamestreetformilitaryfamilies.org/ (Provides resources and information appropriate for younger children on military related topics such as moving, deployment, etc.) [Applicable only for elementary school]
Academic Planning for Military Families
Information regarding academic standards and opportunities, graduation requirements, DE and AP course offerings, applicable CTE programs, etc. for Brevard Public schools can be found in the Student Progression Plan on the BPS Curriculum and Instruction website.
https://www.stepupforstudents.org/ Scholarship resources available to students in Florida in a variety of categories (tax credit, unique abilities, New Worlds reading, Hope, transportation, etc.)
Mrs. Melissa Long, Cape View Elementary School Principal, 321-784-0284 Long.Melissa@brevardschools.org
Mrs. Pamela Dodd, Cape View Elementary School Assistant Principal, 321-784-0284 Dodd.Pamela@brevardschools.org
Resources and Educational Opportunities for Military Children
Cape View offers a fee-based Before and After School program. The program offers crafts, organized games, guest speakers and special projects. Please contact the Coordinator, Hannah Romine for further information.
Cape View has many school events throughout the year that focus on supporting students with academics. Our activities and events are posted on our website and on our Facebook page – Cape View Elementary.
We offer a variety of before or after-school clubs to our students throughout the school year. All Club Sponsors can be reached at 321-784-0284.
Club Grade Club Sponsor
Strings 5th and 6th Charlotte Reinhart
Chorus 4th-6th Charlotte Reinhart
SLAM – Book Club
3rd-5th Team Lauren Castaldo
6th Team Lauren Castaldo
Intramural Soccer – October/November
3rd-4th Team Lance Little
5th-6th Team Lance Little
Intramural Football – Spring
3rd-4th Team Jacob Edwards
5th-6th Team Jacob Edwards
Safety Patrol 4th-6th Jacob Edwards
Student Council 6th Pamela Lancaster
Odyssey of the Mind 1st-6th Maryanne Donigan
Destination Moon 5th & 6th Hannah Clough and Molly Marder
Art Club TBD Ellen Thomas
Percussion Ensemble 4th-6th Charlotte Reinhart
Girls in Stem 5th-6th Shelly Wedell and Maryanne Donigan
Outside Club Opportunities on School Campus
Dove Bible Club K-6 Debbie Mann
Girl Scouts K-6 Michelle Borys
All Pro Dad K-6 Chris Poirier
www.mic3.net Information on the Military Interstate Compact and resources available for eligible transitioning military dependents
https://military.tutor.com/home Free tutoring and test preparation and essay review resources for eligible military dependents
https://unitedthroughreading.org/ Free shared story time resources to keep children and parents connected during a deployment
Student Led Transition Program
BPS is committed to ensuring a peer-led, safe, and positive transition for students from military families into our schools. For support, please contact the Military Point of Contact listed at the top of this webpage.
Students will meet with one of the 6th grade members of the transition group led by Debbie Alderman.
Information on Exceptional Education Services
Debbie Alderman - Cape View Elementary Guidance Counselor Alderman.Debbie@brevardschools.org 321-784-0284
Brevard Public Schools provides a range of ESE resources, including school-specific support for families navigating transitions with IEPs and 504 plans. For more information, please visit the BPS Exceptional Education Services website.
Department of Air Force EFMP (Exceptional Family Member Program Information) https://daffamilyvector.us.af.mil/membersite/
Information on the mental health challenges facing military students, including ways to access school-based mental health services
Brevard Public Schools offers Psychological and Mental Health Services to all students, including those in military families. These school-based mental health services, along with many other resources, are available at the Mental Wellness website or at https://bpscommunityconnect.findhelp.com/.
Debbie Alderman - Cape View Elementary Guidance Counselor Alderman.Debbie@brevardschools.org 321-784-0284
Upcoming Military Recognition Events
Purple UP! For Military Kids
Bulletin board display of Military Students and families
Honor Flight - VFW
Sending letters or care packages to deployed troops