đź’śMilitary Familiesđź’ś

Flag Raising

Rolling Thunder, Florida Chapter 1 performed a POW/MIA flag raising ceremony at Edgewood. March 3, 2021

Edgewood's Military Families Point of Contact

Brandy Cofer

321-454-1030 ext. 24028


School Liaison at Patrick SFB

Susan Clark



What is a School of Choice?

In Brevard County, Choice Schools are Educational Program Opportunities (EPO) in the open enrollment process enabling selection of a school.  The district has six choice  schools. The individual school websites contain detailed educational program information. Prior to submitting an application for an EPO it is important to review the school's application requirements, specific terms and conditions, and the lottery process. 

When is the Lottery?

New applications are open from early November to early December. The lottery will take place mid-December.

What if we transferred to Brevard after the lottery and/or the application deadline?

Choice Schools are open to active military families. To find out more information and learn about options available for your family, call the district office at 321-633-1000 ext. 11394.  You can also reach out to Susan Clark at the SLO.

District Information on School Choice

District EPO Program List by School 24-25

About Edgewood

What are Edgewood's Eligibility Requirements?

  1. The student has been academically promoted each year beginning in 3rd grade (never had promotion requirements waived or received a "Good Cause Exemption).

  2. Final report card grades for the current year must reflect a "C" or higher in English/Reading, Math, Science, and Social Studies

General Requirements for Edgewood's Diploma of Distinction

28 Credits

  • 4 credits in English Language Arts

  • 4 credits in Mathematics (Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, plus one more)

  • 4 credits in Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, plus one more)

  • 4 credits in Social Studies (World History, U.S. History, Government (.5), Economics (.5), plus one more)

  • 3 sequential credits in the same World Language

  • 1 credit in HOPE

  • 1 credit in Performing Arts or Fine Arts or Practical Arts 

  • 0.5 credits in Career Research & Decision Making 

  • 5.5 credits of other Electives

  • 1 credit in Senior Project: Choice of Communication Methodology (Senior Leadership), Science Research, or AP Capstone

Leadership Experience

Community Service/Work Hours 

  • 7th-8th Grade: 25 hours per year at Edgewood

  • 9th-12th Grade: 100 hours in any combination of of community service and/or work hours.

Accelerated Study

  • Algebra 1 Honors in Middle School at minimum

  • Other eligible high school classes (Spanish 1, etc.)

  • At least 2 accelerations in High School (AP/DE)

Completion of a Senior Project


  • Cumulative 2.0 out of 4.0 scale

  • No Fs on transcript from Edgewood, Dual Enrollment, or Virtual Classes

Qualify and Apply for at least 1 scholarship

Hands Only CPR Training

  • Twice while in high school, usually in 9th and 11th grades.

Competitive post-secondary admission portfolio to include career and personal goals

CTE Programs

Parent and Family Involvement at Edgewood

Each Edgewood family is required to earn 20 volunteer hours each year. These hours should be in benefit to Edgewood and do not roll over each year. While you do not have to be a registered volunteer to earn hours, it may be beneficial if you wish to do things directly with the students, such as chaperoning field trips or other events.

Parents can use this link to get all up to date information on how and where to sign up as a BPS Volunteer.

FAQs for Edgewood Parent/Family Volunteer Hours

Parents can count up to 10 Project Graduation hours for their Parent Volunteer Hours

Monday Report

PTO and Project Graduation

You can contact the school for information on PTO or Project Graduation.

Join other Edgewood Parents on Facebook @Edgewood Parents

Student-Led Transition Program

Any students who are new to the Pack can be partnered with one of our SGA students to give them a tour of the campus, walk their schedule, find the "extra" buildings like the Media Center, Cafeteria, Gym; and be introduced to both adult and student members of the pack. If the students are here before the school year starts, registration day is a good time to meet your SGA members and "Pack Leaders".

Any new students in 7th grade, who are here before the school year starts, are welcome to attend our "Welcome to the Pack" evening event where students and parents can meet the administration, counselors, and some teachers. They will tour the school, choose their locker, and be able to meet other new 7th graders.

SGA students are available whenever we get new students and are eager to share the den with new pack members.

Upcoming Military Recognition Events

First Semester


  • American Founder's Month

    • The U.S. Armed Forces have played a decisive role in the country's history since the American Revolutionary War. The U.S. Army was established on June 14, 1775, more than a year before the Declaration of Independence, to fight against Great Britain for independence during the American Revolutionary War (1775–1783). The U.S. Army was essential to the U.S. gaining independence because of the bravery of its soldiers during the war. After the war, the Congress of the Confederation created the United States Army on June 3, 1784 to replace the disbanded Continental Army. The U.S. Armed Forces have also helped forge a sense of national unity and identity through victories in the early-19th-century. They also played a critical role in the American Civil War and in the territorial evolution of the U.S.. The U.S. Armed Forces perform internal security, public safety, and administrative functions that helped to establish the legitimacy of its sovereignty. The U.S. Armed Forces support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic. 


  • Hispanic Heritage Month

    • Recognition of the contributions of Hispanic Americans, who have served in almost every war since the nation's birth. Hispanic Americans have not hesitated to defend and show their allegiance to this Nation in many ways, but especially through selfless military service. 


  • Month of the Military Family

    • Recognition of the Military Families as the foundation of what the military and it's troops can do. it is only through the sacrifice and support of those back at home that the families and soldier can thrive.

  • Veteran's Day--November 11th (celebrated at school Nov. 12th)

    • We will honor all those who have previously served honorably in our armed forces With a "Star Wall" Collage. Students, faculty, and staff will be invited to write the names of their military loved ones on a star and add it to our collage on the wall. Students, faculty, and staff will also be encouraged to wear red, white, and blue on Nov. 12.


  • Christmas Cards for Deployed Soldiers (early December deadline)

    • We will have a Christmas Card event for students to create Christmas cards for soldiered deployed away from home during the holidays.

  • Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day--Dec. 7th

    • We will honor those who perished, and those who survived, one of the nation's most significant events.

Exceptional Student Services

Make sure to inform the school of any ESE needs at the time of enrollment

Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP)

District Resources

Edgewood's ESE Contact

Danielle Taylor

321-454-1030 ext. 24025


Edgewood Student Services

Social Worker

Carla Fleischman



Bailey Sanderson


District Resources

Other Military Family Resources

Resources and Educational Support Opportunities for Military Students

Military Interstate Children's Compact Commission

Compact Rules

While the Compact is not exhaustive in its coverage, it addresses key issues encountered by military families: eligibility, enrollment, placement, and graduation. In addition, the Compact provides for a detailed governance structure at both the state and national levels with built-in enforcement and compliance mechanisms. The goal of the Compact is to replace the widely varying policies affecting transitioning military students. The Compact leverages consistency: It uses a comprehensive approach that provides a consistent policy, for the areas specified in the compact, in every school district and member state.

Military Student

Tutor.com for U.S. Military Families

Military Child Education Coalition

Florida Department of Education

FLDOE Military Family Resources

Brevard Public Schools

Edgewood Jr/Sr High Homepage

Florida Private Schools

Florida Virtual School

Transition Planning for Military Families

Edgewood's Military Connections

Ms. Robbins's husband, Major Niel Robbins, graduated from West Point in 1977.

Mrs. Cofer's son-in-law graduated from Army bootcamp in July 2024 and is currently stationed in Texas.

Mrs. Cofer's nephew is currently a cadet at West Point and is part of the Class of 2028.

Mrs. Cofer's father was drafted during the Vietnam War and worked for the Panama Canal after getting out of the Army.

Mrs. Cofer's grandfather graduated from Massachusetts Maritime Academy in the early 1940s and served in the Pacific on tanker ships during World War II.

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2 people

Ms. Hall's son, Carter, has joined the U.S. Marine Corps.

Ms. Creighton's son, Edward, is an Air Force Veteran still proudly serving his country.

Ms. Creighton's husband, Eddie, is an Air Force Veteran still proudly serving his country.

Ms. Creighton's son, Nicholas, is active-duty as a Technical Sergeant in the Space Force and proudly serving his country from Colorado.

Ms. Creighton's son, Jarrod, is an Air Force Veteran still proudly serving his country.

Ms. Baker grew up as a child of an Army officer, got an Army ROTC scholarship to pay for college, and served 4 years active duty in the Army (she went to school in 8 different states/countries from K-12)

Mr. Johnston served as a corporal in the U.S. Marine Corps. He participated in Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan) from October 2008-May 2009.