Media Center at Manatee

Books, Books, Books!!

Our Media Center is filled with magical enthusiasm for reading books!  Harry Potter and friends will greet all who come searching for a great adventure...stop by!!

 Mrs. Tricia Kuhblank, Media Specialist works hard to provide positive experiences in our Media Center always helping students find the "just right" book. 

If you have any parental preferences on book selections,  ​please send an email and Mrs. Kuhblank will make a note on your child's account.  

E-mail Tricia Kuhblank
321-433-0050 ext. 46890

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Quick Links


This is our online data base where students may check to see if we have a book in our school collection.

eBooks are also available to read online.
Students use their student number to login.

​Parents can also look up student's account to see what they have checked out and when books are due.

Accelerated Reader

This year, we are replacing an
outgoing Reading Counts program
with the Accelerated Reader program.  
Students will continue to read books and login to take comprehension quizzes.

School Wide Reading Challenges
will begin in September 2022
and run through April 2023.


This is an online website to read non-fiction books about  science and social studies topics.
​username & password: manatee

Each topic has a short video that briefly describes the book to hook students to want more information.  This can be easily read independently or read to you.  We do have many in book form in our media center to check out also.

Sunshine State Program

Sunshine State Books

Each year a new list of 15 books are selected to challenge our readers in Kindergarten through Sixth Grade!
This is our state literacy program where students vote on their favorite book at the end of the year.

books cover and banner

List for Kindergarten -Second Grade

During weekly visits, I will read
the 10 picture books from this list   
to the K-2nd graders.
The 2nd and 1st graders will have an opportunity to read the
​5 beginner chapter books independantly.

We will enjoy many extension activities using the SSYRA Jr books. 

In April, students will vote on their favorite book from this list.

books banner

List for 3rd-5th Grades

Students can check out, read and take comprehension quizzes on this list. 
They will earn dog tags for each quiz
​ above 80% after logging in Google Form .

 Mrs. K's Reading Goal:
to read 6 or more books by May 2023

If they reach this goal, they will be invited to our SLAM Reading Celebration at the end of the year...don't miss the fun!!

Book banner

List for 6th-8th Grades

This list is for our 6th graders to enjoy,  take comprehension quizzes and keep track using a Google Form. 

Dog Tags are earned and if they also read 6 or more titles, they will be invited to our end of the year Reading Celebration!

Our Sunshine State lists provide many choices for personal selection in our media center...and so many great books!


The Manatee Media Center is open during the week from 7:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m.  Our doors are always open to returning books and checking out new book selections...all day long!

Since the Media Center hosts 7 classes every day, we no longer have an open library policy where students can visit anytime to check out books.  Students will visit the Media Center each week based on the classroom activity schedule where they can check out and return books on a regular basis. 

Students in Kindergarten are invited to a winter reading celebration called "Snow Much Fun!"

Students in 1st grade through 6th grade begin checking out books on the first full week of school after reviewing procedures. We don't wait to read at Manatee!!

Students in grades K through 6th grade may check out the following number of books:
Kindergarten:      1 book at a time
1st & 2nd grade:  2 books at a time                                                                                                                                                                                          (I encourage students to check out a fiction and a non-fiction book on their level.)
3rd-6th grade:     up to 3 books at a time

Books are due back within two weeks of check out.  Classrooms utilize a blue basket for daily book return to promote frequent circulation.  Students are encouraged to return books every morning.  If more than 2 weeks is needed to finish a book, students can request to renew the book.  There are no late fees for overdue books.

However, fees will be charged for lost and damaged books.  The fee is based on the media center’s cost to replace the book.    Payment can only be in the form of a check: payable to Manatee Elementary. Cash payments will no longer be accepted. 

Parents may share personal requests or  restrictions for us to document on their child’s computer record.  This is an option intended to support parent requests during book checkout.                  

Book Fairs

Book Fair Schedule 2022-2023

At Manatee, we have two book fairs a year...fall and spring. 
Typically, the book fair is scheduled along with a family school wide event held in the evenings.
These are no small events!                               
Our media center is transformed into a magically creative book store. 


We need many helpful hands to volunteer during our book fairs!  Please join the fun in some way to watch the energy unravel through our book fair.

​PTO Volunteer Coordinator info

Kids Caught with Character

Something special we always do during book fairs, give books to kids who have been "caught" with positive character at Manatee.  Teachers and staff nominate students and recognize specific character that deserves special recognition.