Athletics and College
The Guide for the College-Bound Student-Athlete is our most comprehensive student resource.
Our Initial-Eligibility Brochure provides a general overview of the NCAA Eligibility Center requirements.
Students can learn which NCAA division may be right for them by comparing the three NCAA divisions.
Early Release Procedures
Just a reminder, when students need to leave school early, parents are asked to contact the attendance office early in the. Our attendance office has a tremendous number of calls and students throughout the day. It is virtually impossible for us to get a student from a class in less than 15 minutes. It is our goal that, by next year, early release notifications will come to us before 10:00 in the morning. MIHS is aware that emergencies happen, but the earlier in the day that we can be notified of a students need to leave school, the better.
Also, remember that the pick-up place for students at any time throughout the day is the main entrance only. If a student is being picked up before 3:00, you may wait for your child in the traffic loop at the main entrance. If it’s between 3:00 and 3:15, parents will have to wait outside of the fence in the grassy parking spaces as the gate is locked at 3:00 for the safety of the buses. Students leaving early will sign out from the attendance office and show their stamp to the main office as they leave.
We ask that requests to dismiss students between 3:15 and 3:30 not be made.
Finally, if students are bringing notes to school for early release, they must take the note to the attendance office before school. Students are not to bring the note “on the way out the door.”
Out of Area Information
Please remember that if you are attending MIHS on an ELO (formerly known as “out of area”), you must complete a new application each year. Please go to the link below to fill out your application for 2017-2018 school year if you haven’t already done so.
The Deadline is March 10th: School Choice