Notice to Parents & Students
It is the intent of the MILA's administration and staff to keep students and their parents well informed concerning our students, the school and the community. Research shows that parent involvement is high on the list of factors contributing to student success in school. Our goal is to work with you to provide the best possible education for your child.
We feel parents are our partners in the important job of educating the children of this community. Show your children that you are interested and concerned - BE THERE. Become a volunteer, become part of our Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) or our School Advisory Council (SAC). At home, take time each day to talk with them about their experiences at school. Ask about homework assignments. Look for the newsletters each Monday. Your consistent interest in your child's progress and personal development in school will motivate him/her to want to learn.
Home and school working together as a team make the school year a very successful one for your child. We are looking forward to a wonderful and productive year at MILA Elementary.
Please feel free to call if we can be of assistance.
Dr. Dawna O'Brien, Principal