Supplemental Curriculum
Pencils and Poppies for upper elementary handwriting
Mrs. Jones Creation Station
One Sharp Bunch
Markers and Minions Benchmark Resources (4th Grade)
The Lifetime Learner
Read Aloud Books:
K9 Sennas Stride by EA Hartman
How I became a hero by MH DeLisle
Duchess goes to Detection School by MH DeLisle
Pips trips by Anna Meadors
Stella the Search Dog, National Geographic, Doggy Defenders
Facts about Bloodhounds by Lisa Strattin
Rileys Magic Freckles by Paula Musselman and Riley Musselman
Sniffy Snify Duke Duke by Jeff Martin
Tanka Tanks Skunk! by Steve Webb (VPK and VPK Blended Classes)
iPad Apps:
Endless Reader
Endless ABC