
Tip of the Month

Stuttering - Breathe from your diaphragm. Wait for your child to finish what he/she is saying. Do not interupt them while they are speaking.

Tongue thrust - Use your straws. 

Practice Blowing bubbles with bubble gum.

Try different tastes and textures, like salty, sour, crunchy, smooth etc.

To improve and maintane language skills provide appropriate speaking models. 

Model good, attentive listening skills.

Talk about evrything and label objects and events in the environment. 

Use descriptive words to enrich vocabulary. 

Model appropriate turn taking during conversations. 

Provide opportunities for language enrichment.

Sound Development

Age Appropriate Vowel Sounds

By two years of age a child should be correctly producing all vowel sounds.

Age Appropriate Consonant Sounds

By two years of age, a child should correctly produce h and m.

By three years of age, a child should correctly produce b, g, k, n, p, t, w.

By four years of age, a child should correctly produce d, f, kw.

By five years of age, a child should correctly produce bl, ch, j, l ng, r (final r), s, sh, y.

By six years of age, a child should correctly produce br, dr, fl, gl, gr, kl, kr, pl, r (initial), r (medial), st, tr, v.

By seven years of age, a child should correctly produce sl, sp, sw, th (voiced), z.

By eight years of age, a child should correctly produce all of their sounds including th (unvoiced)