Media Center
Palm Bay Magnet Media Center

Mission Statement for Media Center
The mission of the library/media center is to create informed, literate citizens who effectively access, evaluate, and use resources as lifelong learners.
Access to Resources and Services in the
School Library Media Program
Hello Parents and Students!
I would like to take this opportunity to acquaint you with some of the policies of the Palm Bay Magnet Media Center. We are open from 8:00AM to 4:00 PM Monday – Thursday and 8:00AM to 3:30PM on Fridays. We have a large collection of books and students can access the catalog by visiting Launchpad/Follett Destiny. We participate in both the Sunshine State Young Readers’ Award program and Florida Teens Read.
Computers are available to all students before and after school and the labs are heavily used by classes for projects and research throughout the year. Printing costs 10 cents per page. A wide selection of research databases and eBooks are available to students both at school and at home and can be accessed through the media center website. There are three specialty areas for student use: a collaboration room, a video room, and a craft room.
The Brevard School Board recognizes the school media center as “the center of the educational program of the school. It provides materials and services that meet academic, technical, personal and social needs of the school community.” In meeting these needs, a media center needs a broad range of materials, including levels of difficulty and interest, as well as religious, ethnic and cultural diversity. Libraries are forums for information and ideas, and, therefore, resources provided are for the interest and enlightenment of all students and teachers.
Because each family is different in their preferences, parents are encouraged to be involved in their student’s book selection and reading materials. We encourage parents to review their student’s selections and be an active part of their education by having open discussions about the books. . Parents may also restrict checkout of titles for their student, please contact the media specialist should you wish to do so.
I truly look forward to working with your student and helping them find pleasure in reading and developing information literacy skills. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at my Email.
Mrs. Jaime Carro
Media Specialist
Media Center Links