Athletic Forms
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Florida State Statutes mandates that every student athlete must have a Pre-participation Physical Evaluation (EL2), Consent and Release from Liability form (EL3) and a Consent and Release from Liability Certificate completed each school year.
Southwest Middle School respectfully requests that the physical be completed after June 1st each year in order to be valid for the entire school year. That helps make sure that your son/daughter has a valid physical throughout the entire school year (August thru May).
You may get the physical evaluation completed by the Physician/Physician Assistant/Nurse Practitioner of your choice after June 1st to be valid for the entire school year. Also, please make sure that after they sign at the bottom of page #2 on the EL2 that they also clearly print their name, address and date of the physical on the appropriate lines. Please remember that Florida State Statute mandates that physicals are only valid for 365 days.
Florida State Statutes also requires every athlete to have health insurance coverage in order to participate. Please be sure to include the insurance company name and policy number for your family health insurance plan on page #1 on the EL3 form. If you need to purchase insurance coverage so that your child can participate, BPS has entered into an agreement with School Insurance of Florida that offers athletic and school insurance coverage plans for all students. You can access their plans and fee schedule at their website located at School Insurance of Florida. Their toll-free number is 1-800-432-6915.
The link to complete the forms can be found below and must be completed BEFORE your child can participate in athletic tryouts. Please contact each coach directly in regard to additional requirements for tryouts.