Purple Star

military gold and black seals 5 stars and portion of American flag

Soldiers saluting with American flag background

Sophia Ponton, Military Liason



Transition Planning for Military Families

With each move, military children face many school-related challenges, The Patrick Space Base School Liaison can provide information about transition planning, academic options and options and resources with regards to the local area as well as connect you to the School Liaison at your next installation when transition to another location.

  • Transition Steps:

    • Register and enroll at the school of choice.

    • Identify as Active Military Duty

    • Visit our Southwest Welcome Center

    • Military student is taken on a student-led tour of school campus.

    • Set up conference with principal, military point of contact, social worker and guidance counselor to discuss your child(ren) needs and academic support

    • Military parents will be directed to our Southwest Middle School Website/Military page for additional resources and support available.

    Patrick SFB School Liaison contact information:
    Susan Clark, School Liaison Program Manager
    On Facebook @ PatrickCYES.SLO



  • https://www.militaryonesource.mil/ (a free 24/7 resource for military families of all branches of service providing a variety of assistance, resources, and tools)

  • www.militarychildcare.com (Resource and information on available Before/After School military childcare)

  • https://sesamestreetformilitaryfamilies.org/ (Provides resources and information appropriate for younger children on military related topics such as moving, deployment, etc.)

Academic Planning for Military Families

  • Information regarding academic standards and opportunities, graduation requirements, DE and AP course offerings, applicable CTE programs, etc. for Brevard Public schools can be found in the Student Progression Plan on the BPS Curriculum and Instruction website.

  • https://www.stepupforstudents.org/ Scholarship resources available to students in Florida in a variety of categories (tax credit, unique abilities, New Worlds reading, Hope, transportation, etc.)

  • Colleen Rockstraw, rockstraw.colleen@brevardschools.org

Resources and Educational Opportunities for Military Children

  • Services for Military Families | Red Cross
    The Red Cross helps members of the military, veterans and their families prepare for, cope with, and respond to, the challenges of military service.

  • Military OneSource
    Military OneSource is your 24/7 connection to information, answers and support to help you reach your goals, overcome challenges and thrive.  Turn to Military OneSource for tax services, spouse employment help, webinars and online training, relocation and deployment tools, and much more.

  • Military Kids Connect
    MilitaryKidsConnect (MKC) is an online community of military children (ages 6-17 yr old) that provides access to age-appropriate resources to support children from pre-deployment, through a parent's or caregiver's return.

  • Step Up for Students - Scholarships
    The Florida Tax Credit Scholarship (FTC) and Family Empowerment Scholarship for Educational Options (FES-EO) programs give families of K-12 students a choice of financial assistance toward private school tuition and fees, or helps with transportation costs for students to attend a public school different than the one the student is assigned to

  • tutor.com
    For U.S. Military & their families - no-cost, online tutoring and homework help, 24/7.

  • United Through Reading
    United Through Reading connects military families who are separated - for deployment or military assignment - by providing the bonding experience of shared storytim

Student Led Transition Program

  • BPS is committed to ensuring a peer-led, safe, and positive transition for students from military families into our schools. For support, please contact the Military Point of Contact listed at the top of this webpage.

Information on Exceptional Education Services

Information on the mental health challenges facing military students, including ways to access school-based mental health services

  • Brevard Public Schools offers Psychological and Mental Health Services to all students, including those in military families. These school-based mental health services, along with many other resources, are available at the Mental Wellness website or at https://bpscommunityconnect.findhelp.com/.

  • Patrick SFB installation Military Family Life Counselor information: CYB MFLC Robert Updegrove 321-474-1530 (schools w/ MFLC on campus are Holland ES, Sea Park ES, Roosevelt ES, Quest ES, DeLaura MS, Satellite HS and Viera HS)

Upcoming Military Recognition Events

Purple Up Day - April 15, 2025 (each year) - to show support and thank military children for their strength and sacrifice by having all the students and faculty/staff wear purple