Transition Planning for Military Families
Surfside is committed to making the transition for our military families smooth. Our STAR team stands ready to assist students in acclimating to our school campus. They will provide new students with a tour and share some of the things that make Surfside special. Our STAR leader, Mrs. Julie Joseph, will guide students in this process. Additionally, our military family liaison, Lauren Sicoli is prepared to assist parents with any additional resources needed.
Patrick SFB School Liaison contact information:
Susan Clark, School Liaison Program Manager
On Facebook @ PatrickCYES.SLO (a free 24/7 resource for military families of all branches of service providing a variety of assistance, resources, and tools) (Resource and information on available Before/After School military childcare) (Provides resources and information appropriate for younger children on military related topics such as moving, deployment, etc.) [Applicable only for elementary school]
Academic Planning for Military Families
Surfside serves students in grades K-6. Click HERE to review what students will be expected to learn in each grade level. For more information, please reach out to one of the contacts below.
Gifted Student Program - Mrs. Samantha Manchur
Exceptional Student Education - Ms. Ashleigh Schenck
General Curriculum Questions - Mrs. Lauren Sicoli, Assistant Principal, or Mrs. Kassie Erenstoft, Principal
Information regarding academic standards and opportunities, graduation requirements, DE and AP course offerings, applicable CTE programs, etc. for Brevard Public schools can be found in the Student Progression Plan on the BPS Curriculum and Instruction website. Scholarship resources available to students in Florida in a variety of categories (tax credit, unique abilities, New Worlds reading, Hope, transportation, etc.)
Resources and Educational Opportunities for Military Children
Armed Services YMCA operates programs and services to ease the burden of military families.
Blue Star Families is a nonprofit organization dedicated to strengthening America's military families through community building.
Brevard Afterschool Program - Surfside BAS Coordinator, Ms. Lisa Ardito
Military Child Education Coalition works to ensure inclusive, quality educational opportunities for all military-connected children affected by mobility, transition, deployments and family separation.
Military Interstate Children's Compact Commission Information and resources for eligible transitioning military dependents
Military OneSource is your 24/7 connection to information, answers and support. Turn to Military
OneSource for tax services, spouse employment help, webinars, and online training, relocation and deployment tools, and much more.
Military Tutor Free tutoring and test preparation and essay review resources for eligible military dependents
The Red Cross assists military families as they prepare for the challenges of military service
United Through Reading Free shared story time resources to keep children and parents connected during a deployment
STAR - Student Transitions And Response
Our Surfside Team is committed to ensuring a peer-led, safe, and positive transition for students from military families into our schools. For support, please contact the Military Point of Contact listed at the top of this webpage. Our team is excited to welcome your family and assist your child(ren) in a smooth transition.
Information on Exceptional Education Services
Surfside Exceptional Student Education Contact - Ms. Ashleigh Schenck
Brevard Public Schools provides a range of ESE resources, including school-specific support for families navigating transitions with IEPs and 504 plans. For more information, please visit the BPS Exceptional Education Services website.
Department of Air Force EFMP (Exceptional Family Member Program Information)
Information on the mental health challenges facing military students, including ways to access school-based mental health services
Brevard Public Schools offers Psychological and Mental Health Services to all students, including those in military families. These school-based mental health services, along with many other resources, are available at the Mental Wellness website or at
Surfside Guidance Counselor - Ashleigh Schenck -, 321-773-2818
CYB MFLC Robert Updegrove 321-474-1530
Upcoming Military Recognition Events
Month of the Military Child
Purple Up! for Military Kids
Veteran's Day Celebration