GED Diploma

We offer GED refresher classes
Open enrollment year round, $31.50 per semester. Day, night and e-learning options are available.
Our programs are dedicated to improving career possibilities for you through innovative, technology-rich and engaging instruction. Courses are staffed by highly qualified teachers who focus on your career goals and program completion.
Upon completing your placement test (TABE) you will be placed in the appropriate refresher classes needed to get you ready for the GED test. Courses consist of math, science, social studies and reasoning through language arts. Once you reach a passing score on the GED practice tests per subject, you can register to take the GED test and upon passing all 4 sections you will receive your GED diploma.
For more questions, please call the center nearest you today!
Cocoa- 321-633-3660
Melbourne – 321-952-5977
Titusville – 321-264-3088