GED Testing

The GED Testing Site is located at the Clearlake Education Center
1225 Clearlake Rd
Cocoa, Fl 32922
321-633-3660 ext.31464
As of 2014 GED® Testing has gone to a computer based testing format, this means:
Passing score is 145 per section
Same day or next day scores
Registration is 24/7, and you pay online
You get to choose dates and times to test
You choose what sections you take in what order
Essay is typed
To register you can go to GED And create a profile and begin the registration process
Testing is usually done monday thru friday
If you tested prior to 2014 and did not pass all sections you will have to start over.
*If you are under 18 to receive an age waiver you have to:
Go to any of our Adult Ed sites and pick up the Age Waiver form or download it here, fill it out and follow the directions on how to send it to GED Testing to get the age alert cleared.
On the day of testing you must bring your state or government issued id (driver’s license, military id, passport, etc.)
Birth certificates, social security cards, bills, student id's and photocopies of id’s will not be accepted, it must be the actual id.
Cell phones, iPods, hats, food and drink are not allowed into the testing room
All watches, phones, hats and other personal items brought to the testing site must be locked up in a locker prior to entering the testing room. The testing site is not responsible for these items. If items are taken into the testing room the test will be invalidated and you will be asked to leave the testing site.
When registering for the test on GED, only schedule one test at a time, otherwise you may not find any available dates and times.
Masks may be worn during testing and while on campus.