The Brevard Public Schools Department of Human Resources/Certification serves as a liaison between Brevard District Public and Charter Schools and the Florida Department of Education to ensure compliance with Florida statutes and rules relative to educator certification. Our Certification office mission is to provide highly qualified teachers in every classroom. We are happy to assist our Educators, Administrators, Department Secretaries and General Public Inquiries with all Certification topics.
BPS District Applications
District Information - Renewal Process
District Information/FL DOE Endorsements
BPS Payroll Deduction Forms
Florida Department of Education Certification Information
Follow this FL DOE Link which will provide you with the video instructions to complete the Initial, Upgrade, Addition and/or Renewal applications.
Contact Us
Senior HR Partner
321-633-1000 , Ext. 11211
Raquel Figueroa, HR Partner
Renewals and Add on endorsements for last names ending A-M
321-633-1000 , Ext. 11210
Elizabeth Squires, HR Partner
Renewals and Add on endorsements for last names ending N-Z
321-633-1000 , Ext. 11209