2022-2023 Attendance Boundary
School Year 2022-2023 Attendance Boundary Change Proposals
At the January 18, 2022 School Board Meeting, there was a Public Hearing regarding the proposed attendance boundary changes. The staff recommendation was approved unanimously by the School Board. Please click HERE to view the agenda item and materials. Note that the Meadowlanes to Discovery Elementary School boundary change will be implemented for next school year, 2022-23. The remaining changes will be implemented in a two-year phase-in plan with the boundary changes occurring for School Year 2023-24. Please refer to the details below. View approved MAPS AND DATA HERE
The School Board approved special considerations for each of the proposals at their meeting on December 14, 2021 and voted to hold a Public Hearing on January 18, 2022 during the School Board Meeting.
The approved special considerations are:
To waive the ELO application fee for those families affected by the Apollo Elementary to Imperial Estates Elementary, Heritage High to Bayside High, or DeLaura Middle/Satellite High to Cocoa Beach Jr./Sr. High boundary changes that choose to ELO for school year 2022-2023.
Grant special consideration to rising 6th graders affected by the Apollo to Imperial Estates boundary change to attend their current school under the ELO process ($30 fee and no transportation) for school year 2023-2024.
Grant special consideration to rising 11th and 12th graders affected by the Heritage High to Bayside High boundary change to attend their current school under the ELO process ($30 fee and no transportation) for school year 2023-2024.
Existing Educational Program Option (EPO) students affected by the Heritage High to Bayside High or DeLaura Middle/Satellite High to Cocoa Beach Jr./Sr. High boundary changes may continue their existing program, regardless of grade level.
Secondary students of military families living at Patrick Space Force Base during the 2022-2023 school year affected by the DeLaura Middle/Satellite High to Cocoa Beach Jr./Sr. High boundary change may continue attending their existing school under an ELO process ($30 fee and no transportation).
The Board approved a provision to provide bus service from a stop at the north end of Patrick Space Force Base to Cocoa Beach Jr./Sr. High School for school year 2022-2023.
Click here to view the Attendance Boundary Action Agenda Item: School Board Meeting, December 14, 2021
Click here to view the Attendance Boundary Information Agenda Item: School Board Meeting, November 16, 2021
Click here to view the Attendance Boundary Presentation from the School Board Workshop, October 26, 2021
The Attendance Boundary Proposal recommendations have been updated below:
The Candidate boundary change proposals are (click each school to view map/data)
Meadowlane Primary and Meadowlane Intermediate to Discovery Elementary School
The intent of this proposal is to adjust attendance boundaries ahead of significant growth anticipated in the area south of U.S. Route 192 and west of Interstate 95. In this scenario, predominately vacant land would be redistricted prior to any development, minimizing the affects on existing students.
There are currently two families affected, a total of three students. These families haved recieved a letter explaining the possible change.
This proposal is proactively shifting attendance boundaries before expected residential growth.
All students would reside outside of the 2-mile walking area and would be eligible for a bus.
As new homes are constructed, buses to Discovery Elementary would be added.
Click here to submit comments *Survey to end January 14th at noon. Thank you for your comments, we will present them to the Board.
Apollo Elementary School to Imperial Estates Elementary School for SY 2023-2024
Facilities and Elementary Leading and Learning are proposing to pilot a process that would give parents advanced notice of a boundary change in the future and waive the application fee for those parents within the area to be rezoned, that choose to ELO to Imperial Estates in School Year 2022-2023, prior to the change taking effect in School Year 2023-2024.
Currently, 52 students are affected.
Recommendation for School Year 2022-2023
Remains zoned for Apollo Elementary
ELO to Imperial Estates for free if you live in the affected area.
New students will be zoned for Apollo Elementary, but encouraged to ELO to Imperial Estates Elementary.
Buses to Apollo Elementary only
ELO to Imperial (no fee), walk or parent transportation
Recommendation for School Year 2023-2024
Implement rezoning to Imperial Estates Elementary
Special consideration for rising 6th graders for SY23-24 (current 4th graders).
Buses to Imperial Estates only
ELO to stay at Apollo Elementary ($30 fee)- no transportation
Virtual Community Meeting: Thursday, December 2, 2021 at 5:30 p.m. via Zoom at tinyurl.com/BPS/ImperialEstatesMeeting
Please view a short video about Imperial Estates Elementary School
View the Meeting Presentation.
View the Meeting Agenda.
Click here to submit comments *Survey to end January 14th at noon. Thank you for your comments, we will present them to the Board.
Click here to submit comments *Survey to end January 14th at noon. Thank you for your comments, we will present them to the Board.
Heritage High School to Bayside High School for SY2023-2024
The intent of this proposal is to adjust boundaries to better balance enrollment between Heritage and Bayside High Schools in order to accommodate residential growth in the area.
As a result of the community feedback and input from the principals, the recommendation has been modified to implement the attendance boundary change in School Year 2023-24 to allow families more time to consider their educational options.
This proposal aids in accommodating expected residential growth.
All students in the affected area would be eligible to ride the bus to Bayside High School.
Currently, 197 students would be affected.
Recommendation for School Year 2022-2023
Remains zoned for Heritage High School
ELO to Bayside High for free if you live in the affected area.
New students will be zoned for Heritage High School, but encouraged to ELO to Bayside High School.
Buses to Heritage High School only
ELO to Bayside High School (no fee), walk or parent transportation
Recommendation for School Year 2023-2024
Implement rezoning to Bayside High School
Special consideration for rising 11th and 12th graders for SY23-24.
Buses to Bayside High School only
ELO to stay at Heritage High School ($30 fee)- no transportation
Existing EPO students may remain in their existing programs, regardless of grade level.
Virtual Community Meeting: Monday, November 29, 2021 at 5:30 p.m. via Zoom.
Please view a short video about Bayside High School
View the Meeting Presentation.
View the Meeting Agenda
Click here to submit comments *Survey to end January 14th at noon. Thank you for your comments, we will present them to the Board.
DeLaura Middle/Satellite High to Cocoa Beach Jr./Sr. High School for SY2023-2024
The District is working closely with the Base Liaison before moving forward. The intent of this proposal is to better serve students of military families at Patrick Space Force Base. The proposal will align with the elementary boundary so that Base siblings will be attending school in the same area. The proposal will better balance enrollment between DeLaura/Satellite and Cocoa Beach.
As a result of our meeting with Base Leadership on November 23rd, the recommendation has been modified to implement the attendance boundary change in School Year 2023-2024 and us the intervening time to address concerns regarding transportation. Families new to the Base will be encouraged to enroll their students in Cocoa Beach Jr./Sr. High School. Transportation may be able to provide single-stop bus service to Cocoa Beach Jr./Sr. High School for SY2022-2023.
Following the community meeting held on December 9th, and in consideration of community feedback, the recommendation has been modified to provide special consideration for secondary students of military families living at Patrick Space Force Base to remain at DeLaura Middle School and Satellite High School if they attending one of those schools in SY2022-23 using the ELO process.
Currently, 74 students are affected.
Students residing on Patrick Space Force Base would attend Elementary and Secondary Schools located within the same community.
Recommendation for School Year 2022-2023
Remains zoned for DeLaura Middle and Satellite High Schools
ELO to Cocoa Beach Jr./Sr. High for free if you live in the affected area.
New students will be zoned for DeLaura Middle and Satellite High School, but encouraged to ELO to Cocoa Beach Jr./Sr. High School.
Bus service to DeLaura Middle and Satellite High same as current operations.
Transportation can provide bus service to Cocoa Beach Jr./Sr. High as a special consideration for our military families.
Recommendation for School Year 2023-2024
Implement rezoning to Cocoa Beach Jr./Sr. High School
ELO to stay at DeLaura Middle or Satellite High School ($30 fee)- no transportation.
Existing EPO students may remain in their existing programs, regardless of grade level.
Buses to Cocoa Beach Jr./Sr. High only.
Virtual Community Meeting: Thursday, December 9, 2021 at 5:30 p.m. via Zoom
Please view a short video about Cocoa Beach Jr./Sr. High School
View the Meeting Presentation.
View the Meeting Agenda
Click here to submit comments *Survey to end January 14th at noon. Thank you for your comments, we will present them to the Board.
The Boundary Change Team, comprised of Brevard Public School employees including, as appropriate: Assistant Superintendents, school principals, educational program managers, Financial Services, Facilities Services Planning and Project Management, Transportation Services, Student Services, and Human Resources, evaluated the need for attendance boundaries. Preliminary proposals were sent to Cabinet for review on September 7, 2021 and August 16, 2021. Four potential proposals were recommended by the Boundary Change Team and Cabinet. The chart below shows the steps taken so far:

At the October 26, 2021 School Board Workshop, the four potential attendance boundary changes were presented to the Board for review and discussion. You may view the Board Workshop Agenda Package HERE.
The next step in the School Attendance Boundary Change Procedure is Public Engagement, please review the information for each proposal to see if your family will be affected if changes are approved. The remaining steps in the process are illustrated below:

The process will conclude with the Public Hearing to be held at the tentative School Board Meeting date of January 18, 2022. Please check here regularly for updates.
If you have questions or would like to speak with a staff member about attendance boundaries or what school your children are zoned for, please call or email OR call us at: 321-735-9735.