Sports physical with pictures  of a  baseball, tennis ball, soccer ball, basketball and football

Parrish Medical Group is offering pre-participation sports physicals for the upcoming school year. The student's legal guardian must be present, please wear a t-shirt and shorts to complete the physical.

Electrocardiograms (ECGs) will also be available. Please click this link ECG Register Link to register for your ECG.

The cost is $10 per person, with two dates:

  • Saturday, July 20th: 8am-NOON - 250 Harrison Street, Floor 1, Titusville

  • Saturday, August 10th: 8am-NOON - 5005 Port St. John Pkwy Suite 2100, Port St. John

For additional information, please contact:

  • Kellie Way, Director, Athletic Training

    • Phone: (321) 433-2247 ext. 8225

    • Email: