Resources for Our Military Families

Cocoa High School Supports and Welcomes Our Military Families
Cocoa High School is honored to serve our military families. Just 10 miles from Patrick Space Force Base, CHS serves a large number of students and staff representing all branches of the United States Military
Cocoa Military Point of Contact (MPOC)
Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Pavone
Cocoa High School Senior Army Instructor
321.632.5300 ext. 22221
Transition Planning for Military Families
Patrick Space Force Base School Liaison contact information:
Susan Clark, School Liaison Program Manager Building 537 Room 111
Phone number 321-494-1991
On Facebook @ PatrickCYES.SLO High School - Student Enrollment/Registration (Mrs. Frances Villanueva - 321-632-5300) (a free 24/7 resource for military families of all branches of service providing a variety of assistance, resources, and tools); (Resource and information on available Before/After School childcare) (The National Military Family Association (NMFA) is the leading nonprofit dedicated to serving all military families. Since 1969, NMFA has worked with families to identify and solve the unique challenges of military life) American Red Cross Services for Military Families United States Department of Defense Taking Care of Our People
Military Veterans Resources (Northeast Florida Military) Northeast Florida
Military – Veterans Resource Guide
Academic Planning for Military Families
Dual Enrollment Program (Eastern Florida State College) See Mrs. Cathryn Fourtney
Cocoa High School Academic Pathways Presentation Grades 9-12
Cocoa High School Middle School Presentation Rising 8th Graders Scholarship resources available to students in Florida in a variety of categories (tax credit, unique abilities, New Worlds reading, Hope, transportation, etc.) Additionally, JROTC Instructors work with guidance counselors on the challenges and nuances of military life and the educational impact on families.
Resource and Educational Opportunities for Military Children Information on the Military Interstate Compact and resources available for eligible transitioning military dependents. Free tutoring and test preparation resources for eligible military dependents. Free shared story time resources to keep children and parents connected during a deployment.
Cocoa High School Robotic Club (Bionic Tigers) Mrs. Lupe Verdin 321-632-5300
Cocoa High School Drama Club. Ms. Ryley Morley 321-632-5300
Cocoa's Student-Led Transition Program
Student-Led Mentor Program: Transition team coordinator welcomes transiting students, identifies a peer/mentor for support, provides a map of the campus and a tour of the facilities including meeting student leaders, finally, provides a calendar of upcoming events.
Information on Exceptional Education Services:
Janet Witmer (phone number 321-632-5300)
504 and ESOL Contact at Cocoa High School
Deborah Bruno Arroyo (Phone number 321-632-5300)
ESOL Program & Title III - Resources
Department of Air Force EFMP (Exceptional Family Member Program Information)
Mental Health Services for Military Students and Family Members
School Social Workers at Cocoa High School : Crystal McDougle ( phone number 321-632-5300
School Social Worker at Cocoa High School: Dyonsia Wyche ( phone number 321-632-5300
Viera VA Clinic, 2900 Veterans Way, Melbourne, FL 32940 Phone: (321) 637-3788
Military & Family Life Counseling (MFLC) for Military Students
Military Recognition Events
Photo collage near the display case in the auditorium and front office (updated throughout school year)
Welcome military families via monthly Parent Link Newsletter (throughout the school year)
Annual Award Ceremony; numerous veteran organizations participate during month of April
Military Recruiters classroom visit presenting career and college opportunities (throughout the school year)
Veterans back to the classroom; veterans present aspects of the military, American History, and overview of the military past, present, and future (throughout the school year)
Military Ball; a formal ceremony that highlights military traditions and the symbolism of the POW display table during month of December.
Career exploration tour visit at Patrick Space Force Base during the month of January
Field trip at the Brevard Veterans Memorial Center Museum during the month of September
Tiger Battalion Student Led Ambassador Program with a focus on transiting and transfer military family students (throughout the school year)
Observances/ Celebrations:
Washington’s Birthday – Third Monday in February
Gold Star Spouses Day April 5
Month of the Military Child 17 April
Memorial Day – Last Monday in May
Day of Remembrance Ceremony - September 11
Military Appreciation Night - September- second Friday night
Veterans' Day – November 11
Five Percent Open Enrollment Seats for Military Students
Professional Development
LTC Pavone: During pre-planning 6 Aug, we created and presented a professional development video internal to the Tiger Staff and uploaded in the Tiger Hub. Every year during pre-planning the JROTC Instructors LTC Pavone, SFC Mercer, and SFC Moreno provide resources and links to help to identify and respond to the needs of military students and families.
Other Military Resources
Military Officers Association of America Cape Canaveral Chapter
Patrick Space Force Base Military Family and Readiness Center
Military Scholarship Links
Auditorium Display

Collage Photos Honoring Veterans Families