"Elevate Your Artistic Journey"
Hello students and Parents/Guardians:
My name is Stephanie Mumme, and I am so excited to be your child’s Art teacher! I am going on my 8th year as an art educator and 15th year as a professional teacher. I have lots of energy and expertise in my field, and I am excited to share my knowledge with your child. I have a large, amazing family, and I went to Texas State for Art and Design. I am excited to share the school year with you all!
This year we will have lots of fun drawing, painting, creating and learning about the Elements and Principles of Design through many projects, art history and more with the importance of using the National Art & State Standards for middle school in each lesson. I will also use Google Classroom to post material.
These are the classes I offer:
2D Studio Art: They will be sketching, painting, creating collages & learning drawing techniques, shading, etc.
3D Art: They will be creating 3-D Art, drawing 3-D art and working with Clay. They will be building and constructing using a glue gun for some projects. (They will need to gather items that are recycled and bring them into class daily or weekly for the projects such as: (glue, masking tape, duct tape, cardboard pieces, bottle caps, used magazines, newspapers, empty clean yogurt cups, paper towel rolls or toilet rolls, foil, shoe boxes) ~Please save and bring in throughout the year.)
Digital Art Class: They will be learning how to draw and create on the computer with programs such as (Krita-which is similar to Adobe Illustrator-except it is free to use here and at home), Google Draw, Adobe Express and other digital software programs.(They will need a mouse for a computer (wired or wireless is fine), wired headphones and a thumb drive.)