Report a Concern
DeLaura Middle School - How to Report a Concern
Brevard Public Schools is committed to providing excellence as the standard district-wide. To that end, we have ethical standards that we expect each and every employee to abide by in the pursuit of delivering the absolute best to our community. Any concerns involving academics, students, or employees are important to School Administration and the District. These concerns require proper assistance and procedures that will allow effective resolutions when reported immediately.
If a student has a concern about their grade or curriculum, they should reach out to their teacher. Families, please encourage your child to have a conversation with their teacher about these types of concerns.
Students can report a concern about their safety during the school day in the Guidance office. Depending on the concern, they can talk with a Counselor or an Administrator.
They can also report a concern to any trusted adult on campus.
Anonymous Tips can be sent to the SPEAK OUT hotline: 800-423-TIPS or
Families are encouraged to reach out to their child’s teacher if they have a concern within the classroom; grades, behavior, etc.
Families can also report concerns outside the classroom to their child’s grade level Counselor or Assistant Principal/Dean.
Brevard Public Schools is committed to providing excellence as the standard district-wide. To that end, we have ethical standards that we expect each and every employee to abide by in the pursuit of delivering the absolute best to our community.
To report alleged educator misconduct, contact Mr. Ryan Dufrain, Deputy Superintendent/Chief Human Resources Officer, Human Resources Services, at 321-633-1000, ext. 201 or
Concerns related to a School Resource Officer can be reported to the Satellite Police Department. Emergency Phone Number: Dial 911 Non-emergency Phone Number: (321) 773-4400 For general inquiries, Email: