Title 1

Kimberly Hallberg, Title 1 Coordinator Please email with any questions or assistance
Welcome to Title I
The Title I Vision
All children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at minimum, proficiency on challenging state academic achievement standards and state academic assessments.
Title I Goals
● Assist schools in meeting the educational needs of low-achieving students in our district’s highest poverty schools,
● Assist schools in closing the achievement gap between high- and low performing children, especially the achievement gap between disadvantaged children and their more advantaged peers,
● Assist schools in providing high-quality education to all students,
● Promote and target resources sufficiently to make a difference to schools where needs are greatest,
● Promote schoolwide reform and ensure the access of children to effective, evidence-based instructional strategies and challenging academic content,
● Implement high quality early childhood programs in schools with a high concentration of at-risk children,
● Support school efforts to implement the Early Childhood Standards of Excellence for prekindergarten, and
● Afford families and community members substantial and meaningful opportunities to participate in the education of their children
Fairglen Elementary School's vision is to develop well-rounded, productive, and successful citizens by serving every student with excellence as the standard.
Title 1 provides support through resources and research-based training, enabling schools to develop high quality enriched programs that meet the individual needs of all children, families, and staff.
Title I is a federally funded program designed to improve achievement at schools with a high percentage of students eligible for free and reduced priced lunches. Every student enrolled in our school is eligible for Title I services. Programs are designed to serve children who need extra help in meeting state standards.
Our school has coordinated the Title I plan with our School Improvement plan. Parents who are elected to serve on the School Advisory Committee (SAC) participate in the development and review of all school plans. Copies of plans are available upon request from the front office.
At Fairglen Elementary School our Title I program utilizes three computer labs. We also provide intensive small group instruction for students in grades K-2 to positively impact student learning. The computer programs provide individualized instruction for each child in grades K-6. Children are referred to Title 1 by their teacher.
Do You Have Pictures From Events You Want to Share?
Please send them to Debbie DiMaria at Email Debbie DiMaria or Kimberly Hallberg email
Fairglen's October Event definitely had a lot of pumpkins and smiles!