Bullying Information

Student Bullying/Harassment Reporting Form
For a report of student-related bullying, sexual harassment, other forms of harassment, and teen dating violence and abuse.



For a report of student-related bullying, sexual harassment, other forms of harassment, and teen dating violence and abuse. This form is to be confidentially maintained in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 20 U.S.C. § 1232g. 

A student can report bullying or harassment by talking to an adult at school or completing this form and returning it to the dean, assistant principal, or principal. A parent can place this form in the school’s drop off spot for anonymous reporting. 

Today’s Date 




Your Name 

(Please print) 

Were you an eye witness? 

No         Yes 

If no, who reported it to you? 


Who does this involve?


What happened?

Choose all that apply and describe the exact words or behaviors used under "Other" 

Teasing Hitting or kicking

Gossip and rumors being spread

  • Taunting

  • Name calling

  • Being left out on purpose

  • Made fun of

  • Getting someone in trouble

E-mail, Facebook®, text message  (Print all messages and attach)

Shoving or pushing

Other (specify) ______________________________________________________

Describe what happened (the most recent incident)

(attach a separate sheet, if necessary) 

When did this happen?

Where did this happen?

On school property – (if you circle this, list the location at school ______________________________________________________

On a school bus at school-sponsored activity or event off school property?

On the way to / from school?

Other ______________________________________________________

What have you done to try to stop his/her behavior? 


Is there anyone who witnessed this behavior? 


How has this incident affected you?


Have you reported prior problems with this student(s) to a teacher, principal, or other school staff before? 


Yes (If yes, who did you report it to?) ______________________________________________________

How many times have issues come up with the same student(s) before this incident? 

Check most appropriate number of Incidents. 

 ____One (1)       ___Two (2)       ___Three or more (3 or more) 

Describe the details of any other incident below. 

Describe what happened  (the second incident)


When did this happen? Date:

Whom did it involve?______________________________________________________

Was there anyone who witnessed this behavior?


Where did this happen? 

On school property – (if so, list the location at school) ______________________________________________________

On a school bus?

At school-sponsored activity or event off school property?

On the way to / from school?


Did you report the problem to a teacher, principal, or other school staff? 

Yes  (If yes, who did you report it to?) ______________________________________________________ 

What did they do to help?


Additional incident prior to the above incident: 

Describe what happened (the third incident)


When did this happen?

Whom did it involve? 


Was there anyone who witnessed this behavior?


Where did this happen? 

On school property – (list the location at school) ______________________________________________________

On a school bus

At school-sponsored activity or event off school property

On the way to / from school


Did you report the problem to a teacher, principal, or other school staff? 


Yes   (If yes, who did you report it to?) ______________________________________________________

What did they do to help?


What would you like us to do to help?


*You may list any other prior incidents on a separate sheet of paper then attach to this form.

______________________________________________________ ____/____/_____


Your Signature  

Thank you. This report will be investigated.

If you think you are in danger, please contact a trusted adult right away! 



Date Received: _________________________________________

Received By: ___________________________________________

Administrative Findings: 
_____ No further action required.
_____Further investigation required.
(Incident Investigation Form 4) 

Rev. 7/12 VS/PF/BT Student Services 

This report must be attached to Incident Investigation Form 4