Lunch with Students
Parents and legal guardians can eat lunch with their student(s) on Wednesdays and Fridays during the student’s regularly scheduled lunch time.
Important: On testing days (dates will be sent home), please check to ensure your student's lunch time hasn't changed, as lunch times may be rearranged. Other events may also affect lunch times and locations, as the cafeteria is used for various events. Therefore, it is important to verify the schedule before planning to have lunch with your student.
Sign-In Requirements: Parents/guardians must bring a valid physical ID (not a photo on their phone) to sign in. They will be directed to the designated parent/student lunch tables in the commons area by the bus loop, where the student will meet them. After lunch, the teacher will pick up the student to go back to class, and the parents/guardians will go directly to the office to sign out. Visitors are not allowed to enter classrooms or other areas of the campus without prior approval from administration. Parents/guardians joining their student(s) for lunch must stay in the designated lunch area at all times. If you need to use the restroom, you will need to go to the office to use the restroom in the clinic.