Cafeteria Information
Free & Reduced Lunch
Students may qualify for free or reduced-price lunch meals based on the Federal Income Eligibility Guidelines. You must reapply each year. Only one Free or Reduced Lunch application is required per family. For your convenience, the Free and Reduced Lunch application may be completed online or printed from the link provided within our website.
Students that attended a Brevard County School and participated in the Free or Reduced Lunch program may eat on last year's free or reduced status for the first 30 days of the school year or until a new lunch application is approved. Students on the free or reduced lunch program must get a reimbursable meal. New students processed who have siblings that participate in the Free or Reduced Lunch Program may also eat on sibling's prior year status for the first 30 days of the school year or until a new lunch application is processed.
Please contact the Office of Food and Nutrition Services at (321) 633-1000 ext. 11690 to confirm sibling status.