College and Career

Space Coast Jr/Sr High School's Mission:

Graduate every senior college, career, or military ready. 

Where will your future take you?

Space Coast Jr/Sr High

School's Mission:

Graduate every senior college, career, or military ready. 

Where will your future take you?


DE Registration is open

EFSC course registration directions

Senior Reminders

Don't forget to check your Senior Google Classroom

Scholarships posted to Space Coast Website weekly AND Google Classroom
Finish those college applications!! Ask Mrs. Shear or your counselor if you need help.
Bright Futures Scholarship - Have you complete the 4 steps to apply?
1. Bright Futures Proposal
2. Bright Futures Log Sheet for your hours
3. Personal Response (1-page about your experience)
4. Complete the online Bright Futures Application. Directions available on Google Classroom or by clicking here:

Bright Futures (4 steps to apply)

BF Matrix

BF Proposal

BF essay

BF apply

State University System (SUS) Matrix 2024-2025

SUS matrix p1

SUS matrix p2

Websites to help students plan their future

16 Personalities

16 Personalities - Free Test

Eastern Florida State College Interest Survey

EFSC Interest Survey

My Next Move

My Next Move

Exploring Careers

Exploring Careers Quiz

O'Net Career Search

Career Search


Find Xello on your Launchpad to learn more about yourself, explore careers and plan your future

U.S. Bureau of Labor & Statistics

Labor & Statistics

College Board's BIG FUTURE


Here is a sample essay that earned a student the COSCO Scholarship. Student's essays should POP! Read this essay and do a personal reflection of your essay. Is your essay POPing? See your English Teacher or Mrs. Shear for help!

See below for college visits, college fairs and college information sessions!









College Admissions for Great Kids Without Great GPAs

Join Collegewise's Founder and Chief Education Officer, Kevin McMullin, on Monday, September 16 at 4:00 PM PT / 7:00 PM ET, as he’ll share insights that might surprise you and reveal ways students with less than stellar GPAs can stand out to colleges.

Click here to sign up:

Space Coast Jr/Sr High School's Mission: Graduate every senior college, career, or military ready. 

Where will your future take you?

Planning a College Visit?

Speak to Mrs. Leon in Guidance to pick up a form to excuse your absence. Forms are due 1 week PRIOR to your college visit to approve the absence.


Xello is an available app to all BPS students on their Launchpad.

Xello is an engaging online program that helps students build skills, knowledge, and plans to be future ready. Students better understand themselves, their future career options, and the 21st century skills that'll be needed to succeed.