Assistant Principal of Curriculum
Phone: 321-779-2000 ext 26516
Assistant Principal of Curriculum
Phone: 321-779-2000 ext 26516
School Counselor
(Last names A-Gr)
Phone: 321-779-2000 ext. 26525
School Counselor
(Last names Gu-Par)
Phone: 321-779-2000 ext. 26533
School Counselor
(Last names Pas-Z)
Guidance Department Chair, SIT Contact
Phone: 321-779-2000 ext. 26523
Exceptional Student Education (ESE) School Counselor for 9th - 12th grades
Phone: 321-779-2000 ext 26532
College and Career Specialist
Phone: 321-779-2000 ext. 26560
Room: 5-502
Registrar- Registration, records, transcripts, appointments
Phone: 321-779-2000 ext. 26505
Data Clerk, EPO & ELO Contact, VPK Contact
Phone: 321-779-2000 ext. 26506