Welcome to Stone Magnet Middle School

Stone Magnet Middle School's enrollment fluctuates around 570 students throughout the year.
Stone Middle School employs
3 Administrators
60 teachers
31 other aides and non-instructional staff (school nurses, custodians, lunchroom employees, etc.).
Four of our staff are National Board Certified and many of our staff hold advanced degrees.
We are committed to providing the best educational experience for your child at Stone Magnet Middle School. We want
to inform you about an important development regarding our English Language Arts (ELA) teachers.
Some of our ELA teachers are currently working towards obtaining their ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages)
Endorsement. This is part of our ongoing effort to ensure that every student, including those who are English language
learners, receives high-quality instruction tailored to their needs.
The ELA teachers that are currently working towards their ESOL Endorsement are:
Ms. Rumika McKnight
Mrs. Tracye Stephens
Ms. Michelle Wolf.
We are dedicated to ensuring that all our students receive the highest quality of education, and we are confident that
our teachers’ pursuit of this endorsement will greatly benefit our school community. We appreciate your understanding
and support as they work toward this important goal.
The following teachers are teaching out of field:
Erin Kent, Isabel Perez, Nancy Moncada, Mindy Tilton
All of the teachers that lack special endorsements are actively taking classes to
achieve this status:
None at this time
These teachers are pursuing ESOL Endorsement:
Matthew McMullen
Title IX Coordinator: Kierra Lang
Title IX Investigator: Kelly Borck
Title IX Decision Maker: Lauren Feronti Williams

Ms. Lauren Feronti Williams, Principal
Assistant Principals

Ms. Kierra Lang,
Assistant Principal of Curriculum

Ms. Kelly Borck,
Assistant Principal of Discipline

Ms. Chevaun Harris,
Teacher on Assignment, Attendance, MTSS, Dean's Office, Mentor Coordinator
Contact Us
Stone Magnet Middle School
1101 E. University Blvd.
Melbourne, FL 32901
PH: (321) 723-0741
FAX: (321) 877-0983
Office Hours
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM