Parents and Student Information
Q & A
Registration for 2023-2024 School Year
It is hard to believe we are already starting to talk about next school year! We wanted to share with you some information regarding changes in the enrollment process for next year. Parents must have a FOCUS account in order to complete the enrollment process for next year. If you have not yet established your parent FOCUS account, please contact Stone for your personalized access code.
Links for Parent Tools
For Registration:
There is a or a QR code to take families to the instructions. Also, there is a video and QR code that can be supplied to the parents, if they would prefer to watch a video tutorial.
QR Code for Print Directions

QR Code for Video Directions

For buses:
Request for a Bus Pass
Online Form
Request a Bus Pass for the next school year ONLY IF changing schools (example: Going from Elementary to Middle or Middle to High) or did not ride the bus this year and will ride next year (new to district or Brevard Public Schools).
*** Please only submit if you truly need a bus to help us with our bus driver shortages ***
One student per submission using the on-line form.
The on-line form does not guarantee the student a bus pass.
Student may be recorded on video at any time while on the bus
Parents:the bus pass must be signed and returned to the bus driver on the first day of boarding. Signature implies bus rules have been read and understood
BPS Transportation is working diligently to fill numerous vacant positions. Please exercise patience as we continue to transport students in the safest and most efficient manner possible. Bus stop times are estimates and are subject to change. Bus stop times are often affected by weather, traffic, and incidents beyond our control.
Useful Links
Student Code of Conduct
Community Resources
PE Waiver for Middle School Students
Useful Documents
Extracurricular Activity Participation Parent Permission Form
FAST Report Information
Click here for a guide to understanding FAST reports.
Click here for a FAST fast fact sheet.
If parents want to discuss scores, please contact your student's ELA or Math teacher.FSA Scores that have been received here at Stone for the 2021-2022 school year have been dispersed to students in early September.
If your student is a 7th grader and has not received FSA scores from last year, please check with your elementary school.
If you have any questions about test scores, please contact your student's teacher for more information.
CTE Information
Click here for CTE informational slide show.
Click here for CTE Parent Flyer
Click here for Return on Investment Industry Certifications Parent Notification of Cost Savings
MemoFlorida KidCare Insurance Information
Information in English
Information in Spanish
Information in Creole