Title 1
Parents and families are welcome to view the Parent and Family Engagement Plan and Stone's School-Family Compact for Learning in the Title 1 folder located in the front office, on Stone's Title 1 page on our website under Parents and Students, or in your Friday email. Email Jenny Gates at gates.jennifer@ brevardschools.org with comments and questions.
If you missed our Title 1 Annual Meeting on 10/29 please see the document folder below for the recorded meeting link and meeting exit ticket link. Please complete this exit ticket after watching the video. https://forms.gle/WCtFsThRfgGBV52g8
On 10/22/24, the Brevard County School Board approved Stone Magnet Middle School’s Schoolwide Improvement Plan which also serves as our Title I plan. Please take a minute to review our school’s plan athttps://cims2.floridacims.org/public_access/05/schools/2071. Copies of this document will be made available upon request and if you would like the document translated, please contact Jenny Gates at gates.jennifer@brevardschools.org or 321-723-0741 x35053.
Parents and families are welcome to view the Parent and Family Engagement Plan and Stone's School-Family Compact for Learning in the Title 1 folder located in the front office and on Stone's Title 1 page on our website under Parents and Students. Email Jenny Gates at gates.jennifer@ brevardschools.org with comments and questions.
Stone Magnet Middle School is part of the Brevard Public Schools’ Title 1 Family. Title I is a federally funded program designed to improve achievement that meets the Direct Certification school qualification percentage cut off of 58%. The Title I project serves 41 public schools and 32 private schools in Brevard County.
For the 2024-25 school year, Stone received $362,976 to pay for services and programs for our students. Our goal is to help our students at Stone Magnet Middle School be successful learners. With the continual input and feedback from all of our stakeholders (parents, students, Stone faculty, community partners, and business partners), this process will help us plan together how these monies will be spent.
The Title I Vision
Title I provides support through resources and research-based training, enabling schools to develop high quality, enriched programs that meet the individual needs of all children, families, and staff.
By providing a positive, caring environment with high educational expectations, Title I safeguards that all individuals feel capable, connected, and able to make worthwhile contributions to their community. Title I schools design their own program, including grade levels and subject areas to be served, instructional models, and staffing plan based upon the unique needs of students at that school. Each school coordinates the Title I plan with the schoolwide improvement plan.
If you have questions about being a Title 1 School, I welcome you to contact our Title I Coordinator, Jenny Gates at 321-723-0741 ext. 35053 or email gates.jennifer@brevardschools.org.
Ms. Gates, Title 1 Coordinator