Welcome to Tropical Elementary
Welcome to Tropical Elementary
Don't Just FOLLOW the trail, BLAZE through it!

Members of the Art Club will embark on an exciting journey of exploration and self-expression. It's a change to develop skills, collaborate with fellow artist, and be creative!

We learn about concerns in the environment around us and how to utilize natural resources to lower our carbon footprint. We learn to appreciate the natural world around us!

Students are invited (with permission) to join us to walk, run, and socialize. It's a positive way to begin the day! Students earn toe tokens for every 5 miles.

Tropical Strings is open to 5th and 6th grade students. Strings meets twice a week for 40 minutes. Students may chose from Violin, Viola, Cello, or Bass.

Tropical Chorus is open to 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students who want to sing, act & dance. Meets once a week for 1 hour. Some performances include, Winter Concert & Variety Show.