Our amazing CCTV crew:

  • Madalyn Pelfrey

  • Zakk Perkins

  • Jude Richardson

  • Xavier Rodriguez

  • Ayman Hussain

  • Ruby Vanderwyst

November: Giving Thanks

November  is a month for counting our blessings and giving thanks.

CCTV focussed on giving thanks to the veterans in our WMSS staff. We also highlighted stories related to the inception of Veterans day. We brought data about the number of men and women employed in the armed forces and the huge number of lives lost over the years in defending our antion or other nations of the world.

CCTV School News

CCTV time of operation: 8:30 am - 9:05 am: During this time students work on presentation of the news

Monday: 3:45 pm - 4:45 pm: One day a week students plan and research for the upcoming CCTV news of the week