Media Program
Our Media program has been recognized as exemplary by the Florida Department of Education, earning the Florida Power-Library School award three times. As part of the Activities rotation, students visit the Media Center weekly for lessons and activities that emphasize the following:
Access to Materials. Students have access to a wide range of literature and informational materials for personal enjoyment and curriculum support.
Information Literacy. Students learn how to locate, evaluate, and use information effectively.
Intellectual Freedom. Students develop critical thinking skills to pursue free inquiry and expression responsibly and independently.
Reading Appreciation. Our program fosters a love of reading through literature-based lessons and book promotions.
Rebecca Shary has served as our Media Specialist since 2011. Before moving to Florida, Ms. Shary worked as a Media Specialist in Massachusetts and Oklahoma. She earned a Master’s degree in Library and Information Science with a School Library Teacher concentration from Simmons University in Boston.
Book Checkout
We encourage students to check out books during their weekly Media class.
Kindergartners may check out one (1) book.
Students in 1st-6th grade may check out three (3) books.
Students can also visit the Media Center with a pass from their classroom teacher during our Open Checkout times:
Monday-Thursday: 11:30-2:45
Friday: 9:30-11:15 and 11:30-1:15
Ms. Shary
Media Specialist