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For more information, please email Yvette Cruz or 321-633-1000 ext. 11529.
Legacy Club
What is the Legacy Club?
The Legacy Club is a free program for Brevard residents 55 and older. Legacy Club members receive free (65 and older) to reduced (55 to 64) admission, on a space available basis, to Brevard Public Schools events (excluding FHSAA playoff games) as well as musical and theater performances.
How Do I Become a Legacy Club Member?
Download and complete a Legacy Club application.
Scan and email Legacy Club your completed application to: , or feel free to pick up and/or drop off applications at the following locations:
Any BPS High School
Educational Services Facility (School Board offices)
2700 Judge Fran Jamieson Way Viera, FL 32940
Clearlake Education Center
1225 Clearlake Rd. Cocoa, FL 32922
There are two Legacy Club membership levels:

Legacy Letters
Partners in Education

PIE News
Brevard Public Schools (BPS) has nearly 750 partners in education (PIE) and is always looking for new and innovative ways to engage more businesses, faith-based organizations, community groups, and civic organizations. Not only do schools benefit from the tangible rewards offered by the partnerships, but the partners report real growth for their businesses and organizations as a direct result of the partnership.
Each school has a PIE coordinator (often called a business partner coordinator) on staff and these coordinators are trained to follow a simple four-step process to success for this program:
Start a conversation.
Build a relationship.
Develop a strategy.
Reap the rewards.
Join the conversation with a school-based PIE coordinator today. You will find him or her willing to explore new ways to build your business or organization and creatively attain resources and outcomes for the schools in partnership with you. We meet monthly during the school year. See below for the calendar of events. We welcome you to the program.