Employment Verification Information
If you are a current or past Brevard Public Schools employee seeking verification of experience or a "proof of employment" letter, please email employmentverifications@brevardschools.org
If you are a lender, agency, or other commercial entity, please see below:
Brevard Public Schools uses Experian Verify to help us to better manage employment and salary verifications for our employees. All companies wishing to verify information of this nature, should follow the steps below:
1. Go to Experianverify and click on “Verifier Login”
2. Follow the prompted instructions
3. You will need the following information:
Employee’s Social Security Number
Employee's Full Name
The Employer’s name is: “Brevard Schools”
Valid credit card (e.g., MasterCard, VISA, American Express or Discover)
If income data is required, written authorization from employee (you will be prompted during the request process to upload or fax the authorization to Experian Verify)
Are you a new Experian Verifier?
Go to Experianverify and click the “Commercial Verifier” option to complete a brief one-time registration process.
Experian Verify Contact Information
Phone: 404-382-5400 - Select Option 2 for customer support
Still have questions?
If you have a question that was not already addressed above, please email Employment Verifications.