
The School Health Services Program is defined in Section 381.0056, Florida Statutes to include those activities which should be carried to appraise, protect and promote the health of students.  The School Board of Brevard County, Florida has an agreement with the Florida Department of Health - Brevard to provide health care professionals who work on site in school clinics and health rooms.  Health care professionals assist students and contact parents concerning accidents and illnesses, chronic health conditions, controlling head lice, and administering medication. 

Compulsory Immunizations (see immunization requirements under student registration information #14)

All children entering Florida public schools for the first time must have completed the following immunizations or have a valid certificate of exemption: 

School-Entry Physical Examination

Within thirty (30) school days of a child's initial entry to a school in the state of Florida, the principal shall require evidence of a physical examination performed within one year prior to the date of entry.  *Please note that 30 daysis not extended to PreK and Kindergarten students.  

If requirements are not met, the student will be temporarily excluded from school.  Valid certificates of medical exemption are appropriate when indicated. 

Health Appraisals, Screenings

Health appraisals and screening programs including vision, hearing, growth and development, scoliosis, nutrition and dental health are carried out as required by the School Health Services Act. 

Hearing Screening

Hearing screening is provided each year for students in grades K, 1, and 6 at levels of 20 decibelsHL for frequencies 1000 Hz, 2000 Hz and 4000 Hz. 

The screening procedures include:  

Pure Tone Audiometer  A test of hearing sensitivity wherein the student responds to tonal sounds presented through earphones
Vision Screening 

Good visual acuity is expressed as 20/20.  Vision screening is provided each year for students in grades K, 1, 3, and 6 to identify students who may have vision problems.  Hearing screening is also conducted on the same day as vision screening.  The screening tests include:  

            Symbols  Be able to read a 20/30 acuity line on a distance chart  with either eye. 
            Plus Lens  NOT BE ABLE to read a 20/30 acuity line on a distance chart with +2.25 lenses  

The parents of any children failing the screening, or requiring re-screening to pass are notified in writing.  Vision and hearing screening at school are not medical examinations and should not be substituted for routine medical care.  

For questions concerning school health screenings, please call the School Health program office at 321-454-7134.