Standards of Conduct for Riding the School Bus
![Image of School Bus](
1. The parents/guardians shall ensure the safe travel of their students during portions of each trip to and from school and home when the students are not under the custody and control of the school district, including during each trip to and from home and the assigned bus stop when the school district provides bus transportation.
2. The parents/guardians shall ensure that when the physical disability of the student renders the student unable to get on and off the bus without assistance, the parent or guardian shall provide the necessary assistance to help the student get on or off at the bus stop, as required by district policy or the student's individual education plan. (FAC 6A-3.0121)
3. The driver is in full charge of the bus and students. Students must obey the driver at all times and follow the posted rules for riding the school bus.
4. Students must be at the bus stop on time. The bus will not wait for students who are tardy. Plan to be at the bus stop no less than five (5) minutes prior to bus arrival.
5. Never chase after a bus that has pulled away from the bus stop or has pulled away in the bus loop.
6. Stand five (5) feet off the roadway at all times while waiting for the bus. Avoid horseplay at the bus stop and always respect the privacy and property of others. A student’s parent or guardian has responsibility for the control and direction of students at the bus stop.
Students must be at the bus stop at least 5 minutes before the scheduled arrival time of the school bus. Stand at least 5 (five) feet off roadway while awaiting bus.
Stay in your seat at all times when the bus is moving.
Keep arms and head inside bus.
Walk 12 feet in front of the bus. Wait for driver's signal before crossing the road.
Unnecessary conversation with the driver is dangerous. Please remain quiet. Outside of ordinary conversation, classroom conduct is to be observed at all times.
Absolute silence is required at all railroad crossings.
The driver is in full charge of bus and students. Students must obey the driver.
The driver has the right to assign students to seats if necessary to promote order and safety for all students.
No eating, drinking, smoking, or vaping allowed on the bus.
Students must be on time; the bus driver cannot wait for those who are tardy.
Students may use WCD (wireless communication device) at the discretion of the bus driver. Distracting behavior that creates an unsafe environment will not be tolerated.
The use of lap belts (if equipped) is mandatory.
Riding the school bus is a privilege - Students should not abuse it.
* Students must sit no more than 3 to a seat and must sit in their assigned seat.
Parents/guardians ensure safe travel of their students during the portions of each trip to and from school and home when the students are not under the custody and control of the school district, including during each trip to and from home and assigned bus stop when the school district provides bus transportation. Florida Administrative Code 6A-3.0121(2)(C)
Parents/guardians will ensure their students only ride their assigned bus and use only their assigned bus stop.
Parents/guardians will ensure their students follow the district's adopted code of conduct on the bus and at school bus stops and will provide necessary supervision.
Parents/guardians will provide necessary assistance to their disabled student if such assistance is required for the student to board or depart the school bus.
PENALTY: For violating these rules a student will be reported by the driver. The student may be temporarily or permanently suspended from riding the bus as a result.
PRE-K, Kindergarten or other Students Requiring a Parent/Designee to Meet the Bus
Pre-K, Kindergarten and other students must have a parent/designee present at the bus stop to meet the student. Failure for the parent/designee to meet the student at the bus stop, will result in the student being taken back to school and may result in a loss of school bus riding privileges. Parent/Designee should be prepared to provide proof of identification to pick up student. The student will not be released to parent/designee without proper identification.