Senior survey information is due TODAY. Please see Mrs. Bierman if you need assistance. AND Seniors do not forget that tomorrow is Decision Day. Wear your college gear and/or professional representation for the celebration.
8 months ago, Cocoa Beach Jr/Sr High School
Students that missed any testing earlier this week should report to the library Friday morning at 8:45 for make-up testing.
8 months ago, Cocoa Beach Jr/Sr High School
A reminder that ELA testing for 7th - 10th grader is tomorrow morning (May 1st). A good nights sleep and a healthy breakfast is a great way to start a testing day.
8 months ago, Cocoa Beach Jr/Sr High School
Seniors - Please make sure you have completed your Senior Survey. Deadline is end of day Thur, May 2nd *See Mrs. Bierman if you have questions or issues with the survey.
8 months ago, Cocoa Beach Jr/Sr High School