FAST PM2 Results

Dear Parent/Guardian-

The Florida Assessment of Student Thinking (FAST) is a progress monitoring system that is administered three times per year to track your student’s progress in learning the Benchmarks of Excellence Student Thinking (B.E.S.T.) Standards throughout this school year. The purpose of this letter is to inform you that your student’s scores and percentile rank for the PM2 administration of FAST ELA Reading and Math are now available on the FOCUS app or in the Family Portal. These results are for informational purposes only and should be used to identify areas that may need additional instruction and support. Should you need assistance or would like a printed copy of the results, please reach out to your student’s teacher.

Each progress monitoring test covers the full “test blueprint,” meaning that all content expectations for that subject and grade level are assessed. Therefore, for PM2, your student may not yet be at grade level; however, this does not necessarily indicate that a student is not on track to succeed. It is important for teachers and families to understand that PM2 score information is intended to provide results of your student’s progress; once your student participates in PM3, you will be able to tract the progress your student made throughout the school year.

For more information about student scores or the Family Portal, please visit

If you have any questions relation to this test administration, you may contact Elaine Sauerman, assistant principal at 321-631-1993.