Yearbook & TV Productions
This course is designed to develop students’ skills in yearbook and digital media production by providing experiences in selected aspects of yearbook production. Students learn basic principles of yearbook production and develop skills that include writing copy, captions, and headlines; digital photography; desktop publishing and using appropriate technology tools for media production.
This class is responsible for both the Daily News and Announcements and Producing the Yearbook due at the end of February.
Students will have the highest expectations for both their academic and social responsibilities at Kennedy Middle School. Please note that yearbook staffers may be asked to spend extra time during lunch, before and after school, and during intersessions to help the publication meet the strict deadlines set by the publisher.
Application for Yearbook
& TV production Class.
Students who wish to join the Yearbook and TV Production class must complete the student application and have at least one teacher recommendation. Use the Google Forms below to apply for the class.