Florida Purple Star School 2024-2027
26 days ago, Christa McAuliffe Elementary
Florida Purple Star School 2024-2027
On 10/22/24, the Brevard County School Board approved Christa McAuliffe Elementary’s Schoolwide Improvement Plan (S.I.P.), which also serves as our Title I plan. If you could, please take a minute to review at: '24-'25 McAuliffe School Improvement Plan.  Paper copies of the McAuliffe 2024 - 2025 S.I.P. are available upon request as well as translation of the document if needed, by contacting Mrs. Marshall via email at: Email Josena Marshall  or by phone at: (321)768-0465 ext. 47173.
27 days ago, Christa McAuliffe Elementary
Join us tonight for the Chorus and Strings Concert TONIGHT at 5:30PM in the cafeteria!
about 1 month ago, Christa McAuliffe Elementary
Winter Concert Tonight 5:30PM
Reminder: TODAY is a FULL day of school. Students will be released at 2:30 PM. Today is the LAST Friday that is a FULL SCHOOL DAY with a 2:30 PM release. For the rest of the year, all Fridays will be early release days, with students being released at 1:15 PM. Please ensure arrangements are made for students to be picked up on time on these early release days. Thank you.
about 1 month ago, Christa McAuliffe Elementary
The December newsletter is now available. Be sure to check out the important dates listed under the calendar section of the newsletter. It as well as previous newsletters can also be found on our website under the "About Us" tab or by visiting this link: https://www.brevardschools.org/o/mces
about 1 month ago, Christa McAuliffe Elementary
We wanted to inform you that the weather forecast predicts much colder temperatures tomorrow. Please ensure that your children are dressed warmly and appropriately for the school day. Layers, hats, gloves, and warm coats are recommended to keep them comfortable during outdoor activities and while traveling to and from school. Please be sure their names are on their belongings, so they don't lose them. Thank you.
about 2 months ago, Christa McAuliffe Elementary
Warning Sweater Weather Tomorrow
Occasionally, dates on the printed McAuliffe calendar may change for various reasons. To stay informed on any changes or additions, visit our website calendar here: https://www.brevardschools.org/o/mces/events Date changes and updates are also sent out on our official Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/ChristaMcAuliffeElementary), located in our monthly newsletters (available on our website: https://www.brevardschools.org/o/mces), and sent out via the ClassDojo app (for teachers who use this app - not all do). Paper copies of our monthly newsletter, as well as translations, are available upon request, by contacting the office monthly at (321) 768-0465.
about 2 months ago, Christa McAuliffe Elementary
Don't forget to order your Texas Roadhouse rolls & gift cards for the holidays! The PTO will now accept orders until the end of school tomorrow!
2 months ago, Christa McAuliffe Elementary
Deadline extended! Texas Roadhouse rolls & gift card orders are due tomorrow at 2PM
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), requires that a Local Educational Agency prepare and disseminate an annual report card. This report card provides information on state, local, and school performance and progress in an understandable and uniform format. District and school grades offer an easily understandable way to measure the performance of a school. Parents and the public can use these grades and their components to understand how well each district and/or school is serving its students. The district and school grades for the 2023-2024 school year serve as an informational baseline using the new assessment cut scores. Visit the links provided below to view either the 2023-24 Christa McAuliffe Elementary School Report Card or the 2023-24 Florida Report Card. If you would like a printed copy or need translation assistance, please notify the front office. 2023-24 CHRISTA MCAULIFFE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL REPORT CARD: https://edudata.fldoe.org/ReportCards/Schools.html?school=2161&district=05 2023-24 FLORIDA REPORT CARD: https://edudata.fldoe.org/ReportCards/Schools.html?school=0000&district=00
2 months ago, Christa McAuliffe Elementary
Parents, save the date: When: November 13 from 6pm - 7pm What: Connecting Behavior, Emotions, and Relationships This class will provide a simplified overview of the brain. ~ how experiences impact the brain, ~ the brain and relationships. ~ the brain and behaviors. This class will also focus on making necessary connections for parents and effective strategies for doing so. Link to RSVP: https://forms.gle/NXet4tYX1g8iGzSV9
2 months ago, Christa McAuliffe Elementary
Thursday, 9/19
4 months ago, Christa McAuliffe Elementary
Help our kindergarten kiddos learn about the color of the week and  wear orange tomorrow
Open House TONIGHT! 5:30 – 6.00PM PreK & Ms. Morgan's class 6:00 - 6:30PM 1st & 2nd grade 6:30 - 7:00PM 3rd & 4th grade 7:00 - 7:30PM 5th grade & 6th grade *Kindergarten Open House will be 10/3 from 5:30-6
4 months ago, Christa McAuliffe Elementary
Back to school Open House
Back to school tomorrow, 8/12 for 1st-6th grade. 8/15 Kindergarten students begin and 8/19 our PreK/VPK students join us. We so excited to see you all!
5 months ago, Christa McAuliffe Elementary
The office will be closed tomorrow, Friday, 8/2, until 12:00PM due to staff meetings. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
6 months ago, Christa McAuliffe Elementary
7 months ago, Christa McAuliffe Elementary
School Supply Lists
Finalizing your student's re-enrollment will open 7/8/24 and MUST be completed no later than 8/12/24! Questions? Contact the office at (321)768-0465.
7 months ago, Christa McAuliffe Elementary
Annual Re-Enrollment opens on 7/8/24 on FOCUS. Deadline to complete it is 8/12/24. Lot into your FOCUS account to complete your child's registration.
We have a FEW '24-'25 McAuliffe Yearbooks left, first come, first served! $20 CASH ONLY. Get yours while they last!
8 months ago, Christa McAuliffe Elementary
Don't forget it is an Early Release day TODAY! (Thursday & Friday too!) Students are dismissed at 1:15PM SHARP! Be sure your car riders are picked up on time today.
8 months ago, Christa McAuliffe Elementary
Don't forget  early release today, tomorrow & Friday! 1:15pm