Registration Information 2025-2026

Not sure if Melbourne High School is your zoned school? Use the following link to find out: Brevard Public Schools: 2024-2025 School Zone Locator Map (

Returning MHS Students and Students Rolling up to MHS

Re-enrollment will go live the beginning of July 2025 through the Parent Portal in Focus.

New to Brevard County (never been enrolled in a BPS school)

  1. Create Parent Portal in Focus (Instructions below)

  2. Complete the online enrollment for 2025-2026 in the Parent Portal of Focus

  3. Will need to have the following documents for uploading during this process:

    • Tier 1 Proof of Residence

    • Tier 2 Proof of Residence

    • Immunization Records

    • Physical

    • Birth Certificate

  4. Print Records Request Form (below) and return to the guidance office or E-mail Lisa Organ

Not Zoned for MHS

Students must apply through the ELO (Education Location Option) or EPO (Education Program Option). This process is done through the District and all information can be found by clicking on the link below.

School Choice | Brevard Public Schools (

Former BPS Student who have left BPS and are now re-entering

Contact the guidance office for further instructions.

Elective Request Forms for New Students

Choose the form below for the Grade you will be in during the 2025-2026 School Year. Return forms to the guidance office or E-mail Lisa Organ